Galleries - July 2012

53. GALLERIES JULY 12 signature Firecanvas and his Raster Paintings. Early works on paper as well as recent ceramics from his Gold Bars series also on display. Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat12–3 t 020 7734 3558 f 020 7494 1377 i MEDICI GALLERY 5 Cork Street, W1S 3LQ People & Places. Jun 7–Jul 5. Exhibition ofnew work by Noel Bensted, Mark Harrison & Amnon David Ar. The Summer Exhibition. Jul 10–Aug 30. An exhibition ofwork by our gallery artists. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat11–4 t020 7495 2565 j MESSUM’S 8/9 Cork Street, W1S 3LJ Jane Corsellis. Jun 20–Jul 7. The Spirit of Barcelona. Jul 11–Aug 11. Alan Cotton. Sep 12–29. t020 7437 5545 k REDFERN GALLERY 20 Cork Street, W1S 3HL Landscape Paintings, Drawings and Prints, Gallery Artists. May 15–Jul 5. Mon–Fri 11–5.30, Sat11–2 t020 7734 1732 f 020 7494 2908 l ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1 Summer Exhibition. Jun 4–Aug 12. Admn £10, concs £3-£8, u-7 & RA Friends free. Daily 10–6, Fri 10–10 The Queen’s Artists. May 25–Aug 12. Tue–Fri 1–4.30, Sat/Sun 10–6 The King’s Artists: George III’s Academy. May 25–Oct 1. Complimentary admn to both the above with valid RA ticket or £3 General Admission ticket. RA Friends free. Tue–Fri 1–4.30, Sat/Sun 10–6 tRecorded Info 020 7300 5760/5761 t020 7300 8000 m WADDINGTON CUSTOT GALLERIES 11 Cork Street, W1S 3LT Mixed Exhibition ofgallery stock. May 29–Aug 10. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat10–1.30 t020 7851 2200 f 020 7734 4146 n WATERHOUSE & DODD 26 Cork Street, W1S 3ND Karin Krommes. Jun 21–Jul 13. Reign: a second solo exhibition for the young Bristol-based German artist whose paintings investigate her fear and fascination of all things airborne. Graham Dean. Jul 18–Aug 10. Fitter, Quicker, Longer: a solo exhibition by the renowned watercolourist based on his observations of Olympic athletes before & after competition. Exhibition in collaboration with the Victoria Art Gallery, Bath. Mon–Fri 9.30–6 t020 7734 7800 m 07786 740906 f 020 7734 7805