Galleries - May 2012

MAP 24 LONDON BLOOMSBURY & FITZROVIA a ABBOTT & HOLDER 30 Museum Street, WC1A 1LH Watercolours, Drawings, Oils and Prints 1750 to present. For ‘Lists’ (catalogues) introducing new stock on the first Wednesday of every month visit: t 020 7637 3981 f 020 7631 0575 b AUSTIN/DESMOND FINE ART Pied Bull Yard 68/69 Great Russell Street, WC1B 3BN Specialist in Modern British, International & Contemporary Art. Francis Davison: Collages. May 3–31. Mon–Fri 10.30–5.30 Sat (during exhib) 11–2.30 tubeHolborn, Tottenham Court Road t 020 7242 4443 f 020 7404 4480 c CARTOON MUSEUM 35 Little Russell Street, WC1A 2HH H M Bateman – TheMan Who Went Mad on Paper. Apr 11–Jul 22. Major retrospective of creator of 'The Man Who . . .' cartoons. £5.50, £4, £3, Free to under-18s Tue–Sat 10.30–5.30, Sun 12–5.30 t 020 7580 8155 d CLERKENWELL FINE ART at The Framers Gallery 36 Windmill Street, W1T 2JT Jo March: Journeys. May 8–12. Landscapepaintings exploring a physical, but also a metaphysical journey – a primeval golden thread linking past and present times. PV May 8, 4.30–8.30. Open 10–7 t 01872 865007 e CONTEMPORARY APPLIED ARTS 2 Percy Street, W1T 1DD Tradition and Innovation: Five Decades of Harrow Ceramics. Apr 20–Jun 9. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7436 2344 f CONTEMPORARY CERAMICS CENTRE 63 Great Russell Street, WC1B 3BF ‘For the Table’. Apr 26–May 19. A showcase dedicated to tableware. Functional work by Karen Bunting, John Jelfs, James and Tilla Waters, Derek Wilson. Only gallery in London specialising exclusively in British studio pottery. Over 100 makers on show in a continually changing display of individ- ually handmade ceramic objects. Mon–Sat 10.30–6 t 020 7242 9644 g CURWEN & NEW ACADEMY GALLERY 34 Windmill Street, W1T 2JR Master Prints in themain gallery; Brendan Hansbro: ‘Pugin’s Dream’ upstairs. Apr 4–May 2. Lucy Willis RWA: Cities of Stone. May 10–30. Paintings of Malta, Gozo and Syria. *pr *ad Artist’s Talk Sat May 19, 2pm. Mon–Fri 10–6, Thur 10–8, Sat 11–5 tubeGoodgeStret t 020 7323 4700 h DÉBUT ART & THE CONINGSBY GALLERY 30 Tottenham Street, W1T 4RJ Moroccan Fine Art. May 7–12. Exhibition of 2D and 3D works organised by Nadia Echiguer. Jennifer Morrison. May 14–19. Latest paintings. St Jude’s in The City. May 21–Jun 2. Fabrics, wallpapers, prints, paintings & collages by Mark Hearld, Angie Lewin & Emily Sutton. Coningsby Gallery operates on hire/commission bases. See also Galleries for Hire. t 020 7636 7478 i ENGLAND & CO 90–92 Great Portland St, W1W 7NT Wandering Lines ii: from Automatic Drawing to Abstraction. Until May 26. Contemporary & 20th C. drawings. Works E A STCASTLE ST P ORTLA N D P L R E G E N T S T O L D GL OUC E S T E R S T G TORMONDST R E D L I O N S Q U A R E B EDFORDPL M U S E U M L I N C OL N W I N D M ILL C H ENI E SS T TO T T E N H A M S T S T S T SQ U A R E R U S S E L L MO N TAG U E ST REE T S TO R E S T HOWLAN D ST MO NT A GU E P L G R E A T R US SE LL S T GUI L FO R D STREET B L O O M SBU RY KIN GSW B E R N ERS S T N E W M A N S T B Y N G P L A C E BEDFORD W AY M A L ET ST R E E T M APLE S T R E ET WH IT FIELD S TR E ET GR AFT ON WA Y M ORTIMER S T G O O DG E S T C H A R L O T T E S T GOWER STREET WOBURN P L AC E S OU T HAM PTO N R O W T H E O B A L D S R O A D L A MB' S C O NDUIT S W A Y CLEV E L A ND S TREET GT . TITCHF I ELD ST G R E A T PO RT L A N D S TR E E T OXFORD STREET N EW O XFOR D ST RE E T HOL TOTT E NHA M CO U R T ROAD E U S T O N S TREET BRITISH MUSEUM UCL Tottenham Court Rd Euston Sq Russell Sq Holbo Goodge St Warren St a e g d n m l f c b h j i k l on paper accompanied by depictions of linethat employ unorthodox methods and ideas. Over 30 artists includeJohn Furnival, Anthony Hill, Susan Hiller, Roger Hilton, Chris Kenny, LilianeLijn, André Masson, Alastair Morton, Victor Pasmore, Paule Vézelay. t 020 7436 1873 j GALLERY DIFFERENT 14 Percy Street, Fitzrovia, W1T 1DR Stolen Faces – Preview Exhibition of Paintings by Johan Andersson – upper gallery; Gallery Artists – Sculpture, Painting, Photography and Mixed Media – lower gallery. Apr 24–May 5. Out of Africa: Painting and Shona Sculpture. May 18–Jun 9. Tue–Fri 10–6, Thur 10–8, Sat 11–5 t 020 7637 3775 k OCTOBER GALLERY 24 Old Gloucester St, WC1N 3AL Robert Beer: Visions of the Divine. Apr 19–May 26. Featuring brush-and- ink drawings by Robert Beer, visionary paintings by John F.B. Miles and contemporary masterpieces by the finest Buddhist and Hindu artists of Nepal’s Kathmandu Valley. Tue–Sat 12.30–5.30, or appt, admn free tubeHolborn/Russell Square t 020 7242 7367 l REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY 2a Conway Street, Fitzrovia, W1T 6BA Peter Clark: ‘Showtime’. May 4–Jun 2. t 020 7436 4899 REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY AT CHARLOTTE STREET 28 Charlotte Street, W1T 2NA Hepzibah Swinford: ‘TheAlternative Flower Show’. Apr 3–May 19. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7255 2828 m STORE STREET GALLERY 32 Store Street, WC1E 7BS Two Floors of exhibition space diplaying contemporary artwork from established and emerging British and European artists. Regular mixed and themed exhibitions; please see website for details. Mon–Sat 11–6 t 020 7580 2118 n WOOLFF GALLERY 89 Charlotte Street, W1T 4PU Russell West. Mar 30–May 12. Inspired by his travels through the Far East, West’s uniquestyleof work cannot berivalled. Mon–Fri 10.30–6, Sat 11–5, admn free tubeGoodgeStret t 020 7631 0551 41. GALLERIES MAY 12