Galleries - May 2012

47. GALLERIES MAY 12 g GALLERY 27 27 Cork Street, W1 Facing. May 28–Jun 2. *ad Angelica Peric ARBS: Sculptures; Monica Peric: Paintings. 10–6 t 020 7734 7595 (during exhib) h HAY HILL GALLERY 5a Cork Street, Mayfair, W1S 3NY Contemporary sculptures and paintings. Jamie McCartney: TheGreat Wall of Vagina at theSKIN DEEP World Premiere. May 8–Jun 2. Mon–Fri 10.30–6, Sat 11–5 tube Green Park, Oxford Circus, Piccadilly Circus t 020 7439 1001 i MAYOR GALLERY 22a Cork Street, W1S 3NA Antony Donaldson & Joe Goode: Twiceas Many. Apr 18–May 18. Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 12–3 t 020 7734 3558 f 020 7494 1377 j MEDICI GALLERY 5 Cork Street, W1S 3LQ The Influence of Historicism. Apr 12–May 7. Exhibition of work by Tony deWolf, Matthew Simmonds, Paul Slater, Jilly Sutton and George Underwood. Cityscapes. May 10–Jun 1. Michael Alford, Piers Ottey and Barry Wilson. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 7495 2565 k MESSUM’S 8/9 Cork Street, W1S 3LJ Peter Kuhfeld. Apr 18–May 5. BritishImpressions. Apr 18–May 26. Major new exhibition of British Impressionism – over 70 works from 1880 to 1950. Robbie Wraith. May 9–26. David Tress: In Search of the Sublime. May 30–Jun 16. t 020 7437 5545 l REDFERN GALLERY 20 Cork Street, W1S 3HL Landscapes by Redfern Gallery Artists. May 1–30. Mon–Fri 11–5.30, Sat 11–2 t 020 7734 1732 f 020 7494 2908 m ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1 Johan Zoffany: Society Observed. Mar 10–Jun 10. Admn £9; £7 reg disabled & 60+; £5 NUS/ISIC cards; £3 12-18 & Inc Supp; £3 8-11; 7 & under & RA Friends free. Lithorrgraphy: Chris Orr RA and The Art of Chemical Printing. Feb 23–May 20. Complimentary entry with valid RA exhib ticket, £3 without. Nicholas Hawksmoor: Architect of the Imagination. Feb 4–Jun 17. The Architecture Space, admn free. Daily 10–6, Fri 10–10 t Recorded Information 020 7300 5760/5761 t 020 7300 8000 f THE SOCIETY OF PORTRAIT SCULPTORS at The Gallery, 28 Cork Street, W1 49thOpen Exhibition. May 14–19. *ad Mon, Tue & Fri 10–5, Wed & Thu 10–7, Sat 10–3 t 01962 860904 enquiries n WADDINGTON CUSTOT GALLERIES 11 Cork Street, W1S 3LT Mixed Exhibition of Gallery Artists. Throughout May. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–1.30 t 020 7851 2200 f 020 7734 4146 o WATERHOUSE & DODD 26 Cork Street, W1S 3ND Ingolv Helland. Apr 25–May 18. Paintings, photographs and installation works by a recent Camberwell graduate. Catalogue available on request. Angela Palmer. May 24–Jun 15. Sculptures derived from MRI and CT scans. The artists interprets these in delicate drawings or engravings on glass, which hint at the fragility of life. Includes a portrait based on MRI scans of the novelist Robert Harris. Mon–Fri 9.30–6 t 020 7734 7800 m 07786 740906 f 020 7734 7805 THE SOCIETY OF PORTRAIT SCULPTORS 49th Open Exhibition 14 - 19 MAY 2012 The Gallery in Cork Street, London W1 Mon, Tue & Fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm Enquiries: 01962 860904 Masterwork Joseph Conrad (1924) by Sir Jaco b Epstein © The estate of Jacob Epstein Image © Manchester City Galleries