Galleries - November 2012

MAP 24LONDON BLOOMSBURY & FITZROVIA a ABBOTT & HOLDER 30 Museum Street, WC1A 1LH Watercolours, Drawings, Oils & Prints 1750-Present. *ad Sir David Goodall: Watercolours of India & Italy. Until Nov 3. Charlotte Ward: Recent Paintings on Wood. Nov 17–Dec 22. Pictures for Christmas. Appearing on our monthly ‘Lists’ and on Fridays throughout November and December. For ‘Lists’ (catalogues) introducing new stock on the first Wednesday of every month visit: t 020 7637 3981 b AUSTIN/DESMOND FINE ART Pied Bull Yard, 68/69Great Russell Street, WC1B 3BN Specialist in Modern British, International and Contemporary Art. Catherine Yarrow: ‘Not What I Want’. Oct 24–Nov 22. Drawings, watercolours, monotypes and etchings by artist (1904-90) whose highly individual works represent fragments of an oeuvre spanning more than 50 years. Aspects of Modern British Art 2012. Nov 30–Dec 21. Mon–Fri 10.30–5.30, Sat (during exhib) 11–2.30 tubeHolborn, Tottenham Court Road t 020 7242 4443 f 020 7404 4480 c CONTEMPORARY APPLIED ARTS 2 Percy Street, W1T 1DD Gifted. Nov 15 until January. CAA’s Christmas show – work by members at three key price points, starting at £50. Also, in addition to these especially made pieces, an extraordinary breadth of work for which our members are renowned including focus artists Katie Mawson: textiles; Grant McCaig: metal; Susan Nemeth, Claire Partington, Sasha Wardell, Derek Wilson: Ceramics; Amanda Simmons: Glass. Mon–Sat 10–6, BHolsclosed t 020 7436 2344 d CONTEMPORARY CERAMICS CENTRE 63 Great Russell Street, WC1B 3BF Eddie Curtis, Margaret Curtis: New Forms New Textures. Nov 8–Dec 1. PV Nov 7, 6-8pm. Eddie uses celadon and copper red glazes to create visual extremes of calm coolness and deeply visceral heat. Margaret’s current work combines the opposing qualities of coarse black clay and thick porcelain slip. The only gallery in London specialising exclusively in British studio pottery. Over 100 makers on show in a continually changing display of individually handmade ceramic objects. Mon–Sat 10.30–6 t 020 7242 9644 e CURWEN & NEW ACADEMY GALLERY 34 Windmill Street (off Charlotte St), W1T 2JR Paintings by John Brokenshire and upstairs, screenprints by Bill Pryde. Oct 3–Nov 3. Henry Walsh: Presence and Absence and in the upper gallery, new work by Jo Barry. Nov 7–29. *ad See website for more information. Mon–Fri 10–6, Thur 10–8, Sat 11–5 tubeGoodgeStret t 020 7323 4700 f DÉBUT ART & THE CONINGSBY GALLERY 30 Tottenham Street, W1T 4RJ Jo De Pear & Jane Dillon. Recent print works. Oct 29–Nov 3. Curiously Connected. Nov 5–10. Fifteen emerging artists – all fine art graduates from Chelsea and Greenwich Universities. Manchester School of Art. Nov 12–17. Final year student exhibition from the BA Hons Illustration & Animation Course. Celebrating the centenary of Ramses Wissa Wassef and the60th anniversary of his founding of theRamses Wissa Wassef Art Centre. Nov 19–Dec 1. The dazzling tapestries produced by the weavers at the Centre near Cairo are world renowned for their gorgeous colour and astonishing detail. t 020 7636 7478 g ENGLAND & CO 90–92 Great Portland Street, W1W 7NT Paule Vézelay: From Abstraction-Création to Groupe Espace. Nov 3–29. *ad Tue–Fri 11–6, Sat 1–5, or by appt t 020 7436 1873 h GALLERY DIFFERENT 14 Percy Street, Fitzrovia, W1T 1DR Cristina Gamon, Juan Issa, Mercedes Lara, Alfonso Mendez in assoc. with ArtePaso, Madrid – O LD GLO U C E S T ER S T O R MO N D S T G UILFORD STREET G T S T J A M E S S T RE D L IO N B S Q U A R E B E D FO R D P L BL O O MS B U R Y M U SE U M L I N C O L N ' S I NN K I N G S BE RN ER S S T N E W M A N S T R E E T OX FOR D S T R E ET N E W OX F O RD S TR E ET HOLBO RN W I N D MI L L CHE N IES B Y N D W A Y S Q UARE R U SS E L L M O NT A GU E S T R E E T MA L ET S T R E E T S T O R E S T M A P L E ST RE E FI E L D STRE ET H O W LAN D S T G R TO T T E N HA M M OR TI M E R ST G O O D GE S T R A T H B O N E P L C L E V E L A N D S T GT. TITCHFIELD S T G RE AT R US SEL L S T T O TT E N HA M C O URT R O A D GOWER STREET M ON TA G UE P L S OUTHAMPT O N R O W T H E O B A L D S R O A D L AM B 'S C O NDU I T ST RE D LION ST ST R O W BRITISH MUSEUM UNIVERSITY OF LONDON G R T . S T BEDFORD SQUARE S T W A Y EA S T C AS TLE ST TL A N D PL R E G E N T S T G L O U C E STE R S T GT OR M ON D ST B B F OR D PL S M L ' S IN F I E WI N D MI L L HE N I E S S T T O T E HA M ST ST AR E E L L O N T A G UE S TRE ET ST RE W ND ST M O N T AG U P G R AT RUS ELL ST GU IL F O RD STREET G T S T J A M E S S B S R Y K B E R N E R S T N E W M A N S T W A Y MALET S TR E ET P L E E ELD S T R E ET IMER ST G C H A R L O T T E S T E STREET SOUT H AM PT ON R W T H E O B A L D S R O A D L A M B'S C O NDUIT S E D I N ST A CL EVELAND S TREET G T. TI T CHFIE LD ST G REAT PORTLAND ST R E ET FORD S TR E E T N E W O XFO R D STRE E T HOLBOR N TO TTE N HA M CO U R T R O A D Tottenham Court Rd Russell Sq Holborn Goodge St a e g d n l f c b h j i k m l 38. GALLERIES NOVEMBER 12