Galleries - November 2012

i MESSUM’S 8/9 Cork Street, W1S 3LJ Rose Hilton. Oct 24–Nov 10. Wilfrid de Glehn. Oct 24–Dec 22. Brian Horton. Nov 14–Dec 1. Nancy Delouis. Dec 5–22. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 020 7437 5545 j REDFERN GALLERY 20 Cork Street, W1S 3HL Dennis Geden: New Paintings. Oct 11–Nov 8. Patrick Procktor and Friends. Oct 23–Nov 22. Patrick Procktor, Frank Auerbach, Don Bachardy, David Bailey, Richard Beer, Roger Cook, Mario Dubsky, Maggie Hambling and David Hockney. Annabel Gault: New Works. Nov 27–mid January. Mon–Fri 11–5.30, Sat 11–2 t 020 7734 1732 f 020 7494 2908 k ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1 Bronze. Sep 15–Dec 9. Over 150 of the finest bronzes from Asia, Africa and Europe and includes important discoveries as well as archaeological excavations. Many ofthe pieces have never been seen in the UK. Admn £14; £13 reg. dis., 60+; £9 NUS/ISIC cards £4 12-18 yrs, Inc. Supp.; £3 8-11 yrs 7 & under, RA Friends free. RA Now. Oct 11–Nov 11. At 6 Burlington Gardens. Admn £8; £7 reg. dis., 60+ and £5 NUS/ISIC cards £4 12-18 yrs, Inc. Supp.; £3 8-11 yrs 7 & under, RA Friends free. Eros to the Ritz: 100 Years of Street Architecture. Sep 22–Jan 27. Admn free. Daily 10–6, Fri 10–10 t Recorded Information 020 7300 5760/5761 t 020 7300 8000 l WADDINGTON CUSTOT GALLERIES 11 Cork Street, W1S 3LT Robert Indiana Sculptures. Oct 3–Nov 10. Mixed Exhibition ofgallery stock. Nov 13–17. Peter Blake: Rock, Paper, Scissors. Nov 21–Dec 15. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–1.30 t 020 7851 2200 f 020 7734 4146 m WATERHOUSE & DODD 26 Cork Street, W1S 3ND Alex Rennie. Oct 24–Nov 16. Debut solo exhibition for emerging young London artist. His work explores themes within London and he is interested in ideas ofgrowth, change and transition within the city. Print Show. Nov 21–Dec 14. A selection ofModern British and Contemporary prints including Bridget Riley, Graham Sutherland, Patrick Heron, Terry Frost, William Scott, Sarah Gillespie and Martyn Brewster. Mon–Fri 9.30–6 t 020 7734 7800 m 07786 740906 f 020 7734 7805 45. GALLERIES NOVEMBER 12 THE RUSSELL GALLERY Sue Campion RBA new work 8-24 November 12 Lower Richmond Road Putney, London SW15 1JP Tel: 020 8780 5228 Gallery open: Tues to Sat 10am - 5.30pm E: Dusk in the Spanish Garden, pastel, 34” x 36”