Galleries - October 2012

MAP 4 SCOTLAND EDINBURGH 22. GALLERIES OCTOBER 12 a BOURNE FINE ART 6 Dundas St, Edinburgh EH3 6HZ Emily Young: Lithica. Oct 12–Nov 3. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–2, Sun closed t 0131 557 4050 b CITY ART CENTRE 2 Market Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DE Three Summer Exhibitions. Jul 21–Oct 14. Leslie Hunter: A Life in Colour. Major new study comprising more than 80 paintings from collections through- out the UK. Hunter was one of four artists known collectively as The Scottish Colourists who revitalised Scottish art and influenced succeeding generations. Venues/City-Art-Centre t 0131 529 3993 c DEAN GALLERY Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3DS t 0131 624 6200 d THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 45 Market St, Edinburgh EH1 1DF Dieter Roth. Aug 2–Oct 14. Edinburgh Festival Exhibition. Galapagos. Exhibition. Nov 2–Jan 13. Curated by Bergit Arends & Greg Hilty. Mon–Sat 11–6, Sun 12–5 t 0131 225 2383 g ROYAL OVER-SEAS LEAGUE Landings Gallery, Over-Seas House 100 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH2 3AB 10–6, admn free t 0131 225 1501 h THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 16 Dundas St, Edinburgh EH3 6HZ S J Peploe: Scotland’s First Modernist; Henry Kondracki: Work on Paper; Walter Keeler: Ceramics; The Terry Brodie-Smith Jewellery Collection. Oct 8–Nov 3. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 0131 558 1200 f 0131 558 3900 i SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY The Mound, Edinburgh EH2 2EL Masterpieces from Mount Stuart. Until Dec 2. Expanding Horizons: Giovanni Battista Lusieri and the Panoramic Landscape. Until Oct 28. £7/£5. Van Gogh to Kandinsky: Symbolist Landscape in Europe. Until Oct 14. £10/£7. t 0131 624 6200 j SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3DR Sol LeWitt: Wall Drawing #1136, 2004. Until Nov 4. Picasso and Modern British Art. Until Nov 4. £10/£7. t 0131 624 6200 k SCOTTISH NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JD War at Sea. Until Oct 31. Blazing with Crimson. Until Dec 31. Pioneers of Science. Until Dec 31. Thomas Annan’s Glasgow. Until Dec 31. t 0131 624 6200 l UNION GALLERY 45 Broughton St, Edinburgh EH1 3JU 7 days a week 10.30–6 t 0131 556 7707 DUNDASSTREET DAVIDSTREET S TV IN CE NTST CH A RLOT T EST G L E NF INL AS S T YOUNG STRE ET GEORGE STREET ROSESTREET PRINCESSTREET Q U E E N ST R E ET H E RIOTR O W G REA T KIN GST C UM B ER LA N DS T Q UEENS F E RRYST L E I T H W A L K B R O U GHTON S T U N IO N S T E. L O ND ON ST LON DON S T FE T TE SR OW N ORTHUMBERLA ND S T Y OR K PL ACE LOND R O Y A L T MA R KET S TREET P L E A S A N C ES C A N D L E M L O T H I A N R O A D MANOR P LA C E M E LVILLEST W I LL I A M S T S H AN D W I C K P LAC E P L A C E A I N S L I E P L A C E M O R A Y H E N D E RS O N R O W N I C O S O U T H B R I D G E C O W G A TE HO R E G E N T R O A D HIGH ST R EET T H E M O U N D C A S T L E T E R R A C E G R A S S M A R K E T RAE B UR N PL A CE C I R C U S R O Y A L S T S T E P H E N S S T A B E R C R O M B Y P L REGENT GARDENS PRINCES ST GARDENS CASTLE P AL M ERS T O N PL B E L F O R D R O A D COM E L Y B A NK AVE T H R D D E A N P A TH Q U E E N S F E R R Y R O A D R A V E I S T O N T E R C RE W E R O A D S OUT H FI N LASST C UN I O N S T . L O ND O NS T D . S T P L A C E L I E A C U R A B P L C HA R L OT TE S T D A VI D ST R ET R E T KING ST Q U E ENS F E R Y S T N O R H M B ERLAND S T YORK PL C AT E M AN O R AC E B R O U G H T O N ST U N G S TR EE T GEO R GE ST R E E T R O S E STREET PRIN ES STREET QUE S R ET E R IOT R OW F E TTE S R O W ON O YA M A RKE T S T P L E A S A G E O R G E L O T H I N R O M E LVILL E S T W I L L I A M S T S H AN DW ICK PL A E HE N D E R S N R O W H O W A T E L O O HIGH STR E ET T H E M U N D J O H N S T O N T E R R A C E G R A S S M A R K T RA E BURN P L L E I T H W A L K N I S O U T H B R I D G E D UN D A S 1 a e g d h l k j i f c b Waverley e THE LAUREL GALLERY 58 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh EH3 5AL Specialising in affordable Scottish Art, Crafts and Gifts. Gallery also runs art and craft workshops as well as having regular exhibitions. Tue–Fri 11–5.30, Sat 10.30–5, Sun/Mon by appt t 0131 226 5022 f OPEN EYE GALLERY/EYE TWO 34 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE Mark I’Anson. Oct 1–16. New works by I’Anson who studied at Gray’s School of Art. David Martin. Oct 1–16. David Martin graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 2000 and has used his experiences travelling abroad to inform his rich and detailed paintings. Susie Leiper. Oct 22–Nov 6. Edinburgh based calligrapher and painter Susie Leiper exhibits recent works. Paul Charlton. Oct 22–Nov 6. Paul Charlton combines photography, painting and construction to produce his evocative portraits on wood. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 0131 557 1020 The Airt Gallery Contemporary Scottish Landscape Painting & Printmaking CLAUDIA MASSIE A Strathdon Journey The River Don from Sea to Headwaters 14 October - 22 November E : T : 01330 860333 follow us on facebook