Galleries - October 2012

GREENSTAGE GALLERY Stand K8 Hampstead Image 11 : Beth Richardson, Chaise , acrylic on canvas 128x 128cm GREENWICH PRINTMAKERS Stand B5 Battersea Image 12 : Richard Roberts, T. Eldridge Artistic Florist , 2012, screenprint, ed 100, 35 x 25cm GX GALLERY Stand G2 Hampstead Image 13 : Eleanor Watson, Old Chap , oil on canvas, 21 x 17cm HILTON FINE ART Stand A2 Hampstead Image 14 : John Wragg, Tomorrow , oil on canvas, 100 x 70cm HIGHGATE CONTEMPORARY ART Stand I7 Hampstead Image 15 : Patrick Smith, A Land- scape Vision II , 2011 INGO FINCKE GALLERY Stand C10 Battersea Image 16 : Katty McMurray, Tea and Daffs , oil on canvas, 45 x 45cm LIGHTHOUSE GALLERY - Stand J9 Battersea / J9 Hampstead Image 17 : Benjamin Warner, San Giorgio Maggiore LILFORD GALLERY Stand K6 Hampstead Image 18 : Jonathan Stewardson, Old Compton Street, Soho , oil on board LIME TREE GALLERY Stand B6 Hampstead Image 19 : David Smith, Hebridean Washing Line , oil on linen MARINE HOUSE AT BEER Stand A7 Battersea / D7 Hampstead Image 20 : Jim Farrant, The Lady and the Stray , oil on board, 69 x 64cm BEARDSMORE GALLERY Stand G5 Hampstead Image 1 : Jason Hicklin, Puffin Sound, Co Kerry , graphite on paper, 80 x 117cm BEAUX ARTS BATH Stand G3 Hampstead Image 2 : Anna Gillespie, Storm , bronze, ed 15, 36 x 32 x 10cm BICHA GALLERY Stand F5 Hampstead Image 3 : Clinton De Menezes, White Field 1 , 1240 x 840 x 120mm BO LEE GALLERY Stand F4 Hampstead Image 4 : Sarah Ball, The Raven and the Hawkmoth , oil on canvas, 80 x 80cm CFAG ETON - Stand L1 Battersea / C11 Hampstead Image 5 : Chung Shek, Fleeting Moment , 30 x 40in CRICKET FINE ART Stand L7 Hampstead Image 6 : Chloe Lamb, Small Group , oil on canvas, 18 x 14in CURWEN GALLERY Stand J6 Battersea Image 7 : Bill Pryde, Still Life , screenprint, ed 20, 31 x 38cm CYNTHIA CORBETT GALLERY Stand F8 Hampstead Image 8 : Deborah Azzopardi, He Loves Me , 2011, print (detail) ENID LAWSON GALLERY Stand L6 Battersea / D5 Hampstead Image 9 : Sian Frances, St Paul’s Dome , oil on canvas, 50 x 40cm GAGLIARDI GALLERY Stand C14 Battersea Image 10 : Antonio Sbrana, On the Coast , oil on panel, 30 x 40cm THE MARLE GALLERY Stand K6 Battersea Image 21 : Tony Beaver, Three Matches on Orange , oil on canvas, 76 x 46cm MARTIN TINNEY GALLERY Stand D9 Battersea Image 22 : Kevin Sinnott, Blue Skies, 2012 , oil on panel, 41 x 30cm NORTHCOTE GALLERY Stand I7 Battersea Image 23 : Tom Homewood, Two Pints , mixed media on paper, 25 x 25cm OCTOBER GALLERY Stand I4 Battersea Image 24 : Govinda Sah Azad, Lost Paradise, 2010, oil, acrylic and spray on canvas, 30 x 30cm PANTER & HALL - Stand I9 Hampstead E12 Battersea Image 25 : Steve Whitehead, Love is in the Air, acrylic on canvas, 20 x 20in THE RUSSELL GALLERY Stand D12 Battersea Image 26 : Chelsea Davine, Molten Red Gold Meridian , oil, gold leaf and resin, 47 x 47in STORE STREET GALLERY Stand L8 Hampstead Image 27 : Jeff Birkbeck, Colour Flow , acrylic on steel WHITE SPACE ART Stand J7 Hampstead Image 28 : David Morgan, Big Clouds , Bantham , oil WOODBINE CONTEMPORARY - Stand J11 Hampstead Image 29 : Charles Harrison, Unperson II, mixed media A very well established event (14 years now) is, of course the Affordable Art Fair, back for its annual autumn outing in the form of a double bill – in Battersea Park from 25-28 October and then, a week later, up on Hampstead Heath from 1-4 November. With some 100 galleries at each event – and only a certain amount of overlap between them – that represents a pretty substantial tranche of galleries for the London-based collector to get his head around – and with prices pegged at between £40-4000 highly affordable also. Here we illustrate what some of the galleries are exhibiting this year. BATTERSEA PARK 25-28 Oct / HAMPSTEAD HEATH 1-4 Nov