Galleries - October 2012

a BARBICAN ART GALLERY Silk Street, EC2Y 8DS Barbican Art Gallery Everything Was Moving: Photography from the 60s and 70s. Sep 13–Jan 13. Over 400 works featuring 12 key figures. £10 online, £12 on door, concs £7 online, £8 on door, various youth discounts t 0845 120 7550 (info) b BOW CHURCH 230 Bow Road, London E3 3AH Parallel Relay. Nov 1–4. Site-specific sound and light installations by Esther Ainsworth and Kirsty Dixon. *ad Thur–Sun 7–10pm c CLERKENWELL FINE ART No.3, 2-3 Crawford Passage, EC1R 3DP British Visionary, Symbolist and Surrealist art. View by appointment only t 07811 368863 d THE EAGLE GALLERY/EMH ARTS 159Farringdon Road, EC1R 3AL Mali Morris: Back to Front. Sep 14–Oct 13. Site-specific exhibition of paintings and related digital images that explores relationships between ideas and the conundrum of physically constructing images. Espaces Silencieux – Heiner Thiel and Matthew Tyson. Oct 26–Nov 23. Wall sculptures and a print collaboration by O LT RD B L A C K W A L L T U N N E L N O R T H E R N A P P R O A C P A N C R A S R O A D A M D E N R H I G H S T R E E S T P E T E R ' S S T FA RRI N G D O N RD G O S W E L L R D RO S E B E R Y A VE BR I C K L A N E Q UE E NSBR I DG E R D R I C HM O ND R D S O U T H G A T E R D W OB U R N R D G RA Y' S I N N RD ST JOH N S T L O N D ON W AL L H O X T O N S T K I N G S L A N D R O A D K I N GR AH A M ROA D M A R E S T R E E T R O M A N R D ESSEX ROAD N E W N O R T H R O A D U P P E R S T R OA D B A L L S P O N D R O A D YORK W AY A L E D O N I A N R O A D L I V E R P O O L R O A D H A C K N E Y RO A D B E T H N A L G R E E N R D V I C T O R I A P A R K R O A D E N C H URC H S T B I S H O P S G A T E CI TY R D F L E E T S T N EW G A T E S T F A I R F IE L D R D M O R I N G L A N E P E N T O N V I L L E O N R O A D R D C I T Y R O A D C O MM ERCI AL ROAD R D S T R E E T H O L B O R N C L E R K E N W E L L R D O L D S T R E E T W H I T E C H A P E L H I G H S T B O W R D Liverpool Street Moorgate Aldgate East Temple Angel Old Street King's Cross Bethnal Green Highbury & Isl. Whitechapel Chancery Lane Barbican Dalston Junction Hackney Wick a e d m l k j f c b i h I B a 58. GALLERIES OCTOBER 12 MAP 31 LONDON CITY, ISLINGTON & EAST END German artist Heiner Thiel and British artist Matthew Tyson. Wed–Fri 11–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 7833 2674 e ENID LAWSON GALLERY 5 Great New Street, New Street Square, EC4A 3BN Unpretentious gallery specialising in contemporary fine art from established & emerging artists, in a continuous mixed exhibition. At the Affordable Art Fair, Battersea, Oct 25–28, Stand L6 & Hampstead, Nov 1–4, Stand D5. *ad Mon–Thur 11–7, Fri 11–5.30, Sat/Sun by appt t 020 7583 9499 m 07850 214407 f ESTORICK COLLECTION OF MODERN ITALIAN ART 39a Canonbury Square, N1 2AN Bruno Munari: My Futurist Past. Sep 19–Dec 23. Revealing the richness of his artistic research between 1927 & 1950, from his Futurist phase to his experiments with projected light and installation-based work. Wed–Sat 11–6, Sun 12–5 Wed–Sat 11–6, Sun 12–5 t 020 7704 9522 f 020 7704 9531 g FLOWERS 82 Kingsland Road, E2 8DP Michael Kidner: Dreams of the World Order – Early Paintings. Sep 12–Oct 20. ‘Brush it in’ – Photography Group Show curated by Lorenzo Durantini with works by Joshua Citarella, Fleur van Dodewaard, Christiane Feser, Darren Harvey- Regan, Antonio Marguet, Anne de Vries; Kevin Sinnott: A Bit of a Wind Got Up. Oct 26–Nov 24. tube Liverpool St, Old St, buses 55, 48, 149, 67, 242, 26 Tue–Sat 10–6 t 020 7920 7777 f 020 7920 7770 See Flowers on Cork Street map & City/Islington map h GUILDHALL ART GALLERY Guildhall Yard, EC2V 5AE John Bartlett: London Sublime. Oct 12–Jan 20. Extraordinary narrativepaintings fixated on theparanoia of modern urban life. Major mid-career show including largescalecanvases alongsidemoreintimate, everyday scenes. Throughout he will be creating a large wall drawing on thesubject of theAugust 2011 riots: ‘Riseof theInvisible’. £5/£3 concs, u-16, FoGAG, Art Fund members & City Residents free Mon–Sat 10–5, Sun 12–4, free general entry t 020 7332 3700 A U L S T RE E T G R EA T E AST E RN S T OLD S TRE ET PI TF I E L D ST K I N G SLAN D RD S H O R EDI T CH H . S T B E T HNAL G R H A C K N E Y R D H O X T O N S T C U RT A I N R O g n o a