Galleries - September 2012

MAP 25 LONDON BLOOMSBURY & FITZROVIA a ABBOTT & HOLDER 30 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LH Watercolours, Drawings, Oils and Prints 1750-Present. For ‘Lists’ (catalogues) introducing new stock on the first Wednesday of every month visit: t 020 7637 3981 b APPLIED IMAGINATION Ground Floor, 111 Great Titchfield Street, London W1W 6RY Applied Imagination: a group of ten emergent artists present a vibrant show of contemporary work. Sep 24–29. *pr PV Sep 25, 6-8.30pm. Daily 11–6 Contact Alison Berry. t 07763 188538 c AUSTIN/DESMOND FINE ART Pied Bull Yard 68/69 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BN Specialist in Modern British, International and Contemporary Art. Mon–Fri 10.30–5.30, Sat (during exhib) 11–2.30 tube Holborn, Tottenham Court Road t 020 7242 4443 f 020 7404 4480 d CONTEMPORARY APPLIED ARTS 2 Percy Street, London W1T 1DD domestic MATTERS: an exhibition for London Design Festival 2012. Sep 7–Oct 20. The gallery will be transformed into the imagined home of a collector of Modernist furniture and 21st Century craft; Curators Brian Kennedy and Peter Ting revisit the parallels between them. Important Modernist furniture from the Rocket Gallery collection and a selection of functional works from CAA members. Mon–Sat 10–6, BHols closed t 020 7436 2344 e CONTEMPORARY CERAMICS CENTRE 63 Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3BF Woodfired. A showcase of wonderful ceramics. Aug 16–Sep 8. Gabriele Koch: New Departures. Sep 13–Oct 6. PV Sep 12, 6-8pm. New pots, forceful and graphic vessels that sit alongside calm smoke fired work. The only gallery in London specialising exclusively in British studio pottery. Over 100 makers on show in a continually changing display of E A STCASTLE ST ORTLA N D P L R E G E N T S T O L D GL OUC E S T E R S T G TORMONDST R E D L I O N S Q U A R E B EDFORDPL M U S E U M L I N C OL N 'S W I N D M ILL C H ENI E SS T TO T T E N H A M S T S T S T SQ U A R E R U S S E L L MO N TAG U E ST REE T S TO R E S T HOWLAN D ST MO NT A GU E P L G R E A T R US SE LL S T GUI L FO R D STREET G B L O O M SBU RY KIN GSWA B E R N ERS S T N E W M A N S T B Y N G P L A C E BEDFORD W AY M A L ET ST R E E T M APLE S T R E ET WH IT FIELD S TR E ET GR AFT ON WA Y M ORTIMER S T G O O DG E S T C H A R L O T T E S T GOWER STREET WOBURN P L AC E S OU T HAM PTO N R O W T H E O B A L D S R O A D L A MB' S C O NDUIT ST W A Y CLEV E L A ND S TREET GT . TITCHF I ELD ST G R E A T PO RT L A N D S TR E E T OXFORD STREET N EW O XFOR D ST RE E T HOLB TOTT E NHA M CO U R T ROAD E U S T O N S TREET BRITISH MUSEUM UCL Tottenham Court Rd Euston Sq Russell Sq Holbo Goodge St Warren St a e g d n m l p o f c b h j i k m individually handmade ceramic objects. Mon–Sat 10.30–6 t 020 7242 9644 f CURWEN & NEW ACADEMY GALLERY 34 Windmill Street (off Charlotte St) London W1T 2JR ‘Rejuvenation’. Mixed show by the gallery artists to celebrate the re-opening of the gallery. Sep 6–29. (Main Gallery) Thirza Kotzen: ‘The Space Between’ – new work. Sep 6–29. (Upstairs Gallery) Please see website for more information. Mon–Fri 10–6, Thur 10–8, Sat 11–5 tube Goodge Street t 020 7323 4700 g DÉBUT ART & THE CONINGSBY GALLERY 30 Tottenham Street, London W1T 4RJ IKON Stock Illustration Media Event. Aug 30 (12–7.30pm). Leading Illustrators in attendance. Vicky Drosos: Irregular linearity – abstract paintings. Sep 10–21. The Jill George Gallery presents works by Dale Devereux Barker, Paul Benjamins, Alison Lambert and Gro Thorsen. Sep 24–Oct 6. *ad t 020 7636 7478 h ENGLAND & CO 90–92 Great Portland Street London W1W 7NT Exhibition of gallery artists – see website for details. Through September. Exhibiting at the 20/21 Art Fair, Royal College of Art, SW7, Sep 16–20, Stand 1. Tue–Fri 11–6, Sat 1–5, or at other times by appt t 020 7436 1873 i GALLERY DIFFERENT 14 Percy Street, Fitzrovia, London W1T 1DR Everyone Has the Right to Blossom Schools Competition, featuring work from Year 6 pupils and Anne Frank’s Tree by Cindy Lass. Seen and Heard exhibition of painting by Matthew Small. Sep 10–16. Tue–Fri 10–6, Thur 10–8, Sat 11–5 t 020 7637 3775 42. GALLERIES SEPTEMBER 12 Mary Evans ‘Untitled 1’ paper cut-outs, 2011 Tiwani Contemporary (see listing on facing page)