Galleries - April 2013

MAP 26 OLD BOND STREET a ALBEMARLE GALLERY 49 Albemarle Street, W1S 4JR Contemporary British and European Paintings. Iain Faulkner: New Paintings. Apr 18–May 11. *ad Shine Artists: Jeong Woojae & Ko Am. Apr 18–May 11. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 020 7499 1616 f 020 7499 1717 b BELGRAVIA GALLERY 45 Albemarle Street, W1S 4JL Ecole de Paris. Apr 1–15. Immigrant artists who came to Paris after the First World War – such as Chagall, Kisling, Pascin and Hayden, all of whom would have a significant impact on the already vibrant 20th Century. Maria Filopoulou: Instinct for Water. Apr 15–May 17. *pr *ad Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat by appt only t 020 7495 1010 c ERARTA GALLERIES 8 Berkeley Street, W1J 8DN David Plaksin: ‘Structure’. Until Apr 6. Graphic work 43. GALLERIES APRIL 13 R O Y AL A RC AD E ROYAL ACADEMY BU R LI N GTON AR CA D E S T A F F OR D S T G R H A Y HI L L ON D ST OL D B O N D S T B D O V E R S T R E E T E R K E L E Y S T R E E T A LB E M AR LE S TR E ET P I C C A D I L L Y a e g d f c b from the famous St Petersburg book designer and illustrator. Yulia Kosulnikova: ‘I’m not Baba Yaga’. Apr 12–May 18. Paintings by the young Moscow based artist. tube Green Park, Piccadilly Circus t 020 7499 7861 d ERSKINE, HALL & COE 15 Royal Arcade, 28 Old Bond Street, W1S 4SP Classic & Contemporary Ceramics. Apr 3–25. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–6 (during exhibs) tube Green Park, Bond Street t 020 7491 1706 e MARLBOROUGH 6 Albemarle Street, W1S 4BY Joe Tilson: A Survey. Until Apr 5. Celia Paul: Recent work and ‘Separation’ including 20 Prints for 20 Years 1991–2011. Apr 10–May 3. t 020 7629 5161 f 020 7629 6338 f PRATT CONTEMPORARY at The London Original Print Fair 2013 Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1 Showing at The London Original Print Fair 2013. Apr 25–28, Stand 40. New and recent works by Ana Maria Pacheco, Marcus Rees Roberts, Kristian Krokfors, Hugo Wilson, Frederic Morris and Alison Lambert. *ad t 01732 882326 g RICHARD NAGY Ltd 22 Old Bond Street, W1S 4PY Classic Modernism, German Expressionism, Viennese Secession including works by Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt, and their contemporaries. Open by appointment t 020 7262 6400 f 020 7262 6464 PRATT CONTEMPORARY STAND 40 The London Original Print Fair Royal Academy of Arts Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BD Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 April New and recent works by Ana Maria Pacheco Marcus Rees Roberts Kristian Krokfors Hugo Wilson Frederic Morris Alison Lambert Alison Lambert, ‘Aemilia’, monotype, 2012