Galleries - January 2013

MAP 26 OLD BOND STREET a ALBEMARLE GALLERY 49 Albemarle Street, W1S 4JR Contemporary British and European Paintings. Rado Kirov: The Mercury Effect. Jan 10–Feb 2. Roni Feldman: New Paintings. Jan 10–Feb 2. Steve McGinn: New Works. Jan 10–Feb 2. Albemarle Collective: Gallery Artists. Jan 10–Feb 2. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 020 7499 1616 f 020 7499 1717 b APRICOT GALLERY 27 Albemarle Street, Mayfair, W1S 4HZ The only gallery in the UK to specialise in contemporary Vietnamese Art. Mon–Sat 10–7 & by appt t 020 7491 8987 c BELGRAVIA GALLERY 45 Albemarle Street, W1S 4JL Christmas Exhibition 2012. Nov 26–Jan 11. Including new works by Nikki Taylor, Charlie Calder Potts and Charlie Mackesy. Pop Art Classics. Jan 14–Feb 8. Warhol, Lichtenstein, Indiana and contemporary Pop artists. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 7495 1010 39. GALLERIES JANUARY 13 R O Y AL A RC AD E BU R LI N GTON AR CA D E S T A F F OR D S T L TO N G RA H A Y HI L L B ON D ST OL D B O N D S T B D O V E R S T R E E T B E R K E L E Y S T R E E T A LB E M AR LE S TR E ET P I C C A D I L L Y a e g d h f c b Green Park d CONNAUGHT BROWN 2 Albemarle Street, W1S 4HD At London Art Fair, Business Design Centre, Islington N1, Jan 16–20. Daily 10–6, Sat 10–12.30 t 020 7408 0362 f 020 7495 3137 e ERARTA GALLERIES 8 Berkeley Street, W1J 8DN Gennady Zubkov: ‘Prismatic’. Nov 21–Jan 12. Paintings by the famous Russian artist and protagonist of the Sterligov group. Vladimir Dukhovlinov: ‘Speranza’. Jan 18–Feb 23. Richly painted abstract images by the supremely contemplative Russian artist. tube Green Park, Piccadilly Circus t 020 7499 7861 f ERSKINE, HALL & COE 15 Royal Arcade, 28 Old Bond Street, W1S 4SP Japanese Craft Exhibition. Dec 12–Jan 10. Catherine Yarrow Exhibition. Jan 23–Feb 14. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–6 (during exhibs) tube Green Park, Bond Street t 020 7491 1706 g MARLBOROUGH 6 Albemarle Street, W1S 4BY Quentin Blake: New Etchings, Lithographs and Drawings. Dec 12–Jan 11. Marlborough Contemporary Koen van den Broek: five substantial new works, revisiting a location from fractionally differing angles and perspectives. Nov 21–Jan 5. Paula Rego: The Dame with the Goat’s Foot, paintings and works on paper. Jan 16–Mar 1. t 020 7629 5161 f 020 7629 6338 h RICHARD NAGY Ltd 22 Old Bond Street, W1S 4PY Classic Modernism, German Expressionism, Viennese Secession including works by Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt, and selected contemporaries. Open by appointment t 020 7262 6400 f 020 7262 6464 from left Kenji Motoyama ‘Untitled’ KM-0001 Erskine, Hall & Coe (see listingon this page) Ray Richardson ‘Soulsister’ 2012 screenprint with woodblock ed. 75, printed & published by Advanced Graphics London (see listingon map 30)