Galleries - June 2013

a ADVANCED GRAPHICS LONDON 32 Long Lane, SE1 4AY (opp Borough Tube) New Publications: prints made in the studio beneath the gallery. Work by artists including Neil Canning, Anthony Frost, Albert Irvin, Anita Klein, Hughie O’Donoghue, Ray Richardson. Tue–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 tube Borough, rail London Bridge t 020 7407 2055 f 020 7407 2066 b BANKSIDE GALLERY 48 Hopton Street, SE1 9JH Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers: Annual Exhibition. Until Jun 8. A rare opportunity to see so many accomplished and original prints made with a variety of techniques. An Engraver’s Progress: Simon Brett, Fifty Years of Wood Engraving. Jun 11–30. A 70th birthday retrospective of a leading wood engraver. Mon–Sun 11–6, admn free tube Blackfriars/London Bridge/Southwark t 020 7928 7521 f 020 7928 2820 c CGP LONDON CAFE GALLERY Centre of Southwark Park, Bermondsey, SE16 2UA mass. en masse. mass medium. Until Jun 23. Artists: Rick Buckley, Leah Capaldi, Karen Cunningham, Justin Eagle, Keith Farquhar, James Lewis, Maria Marshall, Natasha Rees. Wed–Sun 11–5 tube Canada Water (signposted 7 min walk) t 020 7237 1230 d CGP LONDON DILSTON GROVE Southwark Park, Bermondsey SE16 2DD Promised Land: Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen. Until Jun 23. An exhibition of poetic depictions of communities, places, displacement and migration using video, sculpture and photography. tube Canada Water Wed–Sun 11–5 t 020 7237 1230 e CONTEMPORARY APPLIED ARTS 89 Southwark Street, SE1 0HX Perspectives – Patrons and Contemporary Objects. Jun 21–Aug 31. The launch show for CAA’s new Southwark gallery puts the spotlight not just on the makers of contemporary objects but also the patrons who support them. Curated by Amanda Game. Including work by Zoe Arnold, Lucy Casson, Nora Fok, Miriam Hanid, Nicola Henshaw, Walter Keeler, Richard La Trobe-Bateman, Edward Marshall, Gareth Neal, James Rigler, Katie Walker. For opening hours and information please visit our website. t 020 7436 2344 f THE GALLERY AT LONDON GLASSBLOWING 62-66 Bermondsey Street, SE1 3UD Layne Rowe Showcase. Jun 21–Jul 20. Demonstrating the talent of resident artist Layne Rowe who has previously exhibited at the V&A and featured in Wallpaper magazine. tube London Bridge Mon–Sat 10–6, Sun closed t 020 7403 2800 SOUTHWARK PARK K E N N I N G S O U T H W A R K B R I D G E W R D L O W E R R O A D J A M A I C A R O A D S O U T H W A R K P A R K R O A D F L E B A N N O N S T R E E T R E E T F E N C H U R I D G E R D R W A T E R L O O B R I D G E R O A D B R I D G E L A C K F R I A R S B R I D G E B R I D G E N E W K E N T L O N D O N T O W E R B R I D G E A D Canada Water London Bridge Rotherhithe Bermondsey Lambeth North Waterloo Cannon Street Surrey Quay Elephant&Castle Temple Borough WALKBRI. Southwark A a d h c f MAP 29 LONDON BANKSIDE & SOUTHWARK 48. GALLERIES JUNE 13 KF R IARS B RID G E WA TERLOO R O A D S O U T H W A R K S S T A M F O R D S T R E E T U P P E R G R O U N D HOPTON S T H O L L A N D S T E E T e g k j i b WA A T H A M E S K R D R O M N A R S H W A L L L I M EH A RBOU R F E R R Y R O A D G l Island Gdns DLR Cutty Sark DLR Greenwich DLR GREENWICH Francisco de Corcuera ‘Untitled V’ One of the most interesting and adventurous (and architecturally most beautiful too) among the new wave of Fitzrovia galleries, Rosenfeld Porcini has quickly established a pioneering reputation for showing the work of some really excellent middle and older generation European and Latin American painters and sculptors previously unshown in London. Argentinian Eduardo Stupia was one such revelation earlier this year and the 69 year old Chilean abstract painter Francisco de Corcuera (to 27 June) is another. Through subtle interweavings of geometric lines, mathematical theorems and algebraic symbols with clouds of much more loosely painted but intense colour, de Corcuera suggests intriguing philosophical conflicts between illusion and reality in works of a haunting and magical beauty. NU THUMB nails