Galleries - October 2013

50. GALLERIES OCTOBER 13 MAP 26 OLD BOND STREET a ALBEMARLE GALLERY 49 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4JR Contemporary British and European Paintings. Louis Boudreault: Destinies. Oct 10–Nov 2. *ad Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 020 7499 1616 f 020 7499 1717 b BELGRAVIA GALLERY 45 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4JL Susan Swartz and Lesley Thiel. Oct 7–31. Daily 10–6, Sat by appt only t 020 7495 1010 c ERARTA GALLERIES 8 Berkeley Street, London W1J 8DN Anna Taguti: ‘Laces and Surges’. Aug 30–Oct 9. Haunting work combining print, textile and painting. Dmitry Shorin: ‘Flight’. Oct 15–Nov 16. A beautiful sculptural collaboration between the artist and Erarta Galleries. The angel has arrived. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–5 tube Green Park, Piccadilly Circus t @Erarta_London t 020 7499 7861 R O Y AL A RC AD E ROYAL ACADEMY BU R LI N GTON AR CA D E S T A F F OR D S T G RA F TON H A Y HI L L EW B ON D ST OL D B O N D S T B U R L I N D O V E R S T R E E T E R K E L E Y S T R E E T A LB E M AR LE S TR E ET P I C C A D I L L Y a e g d f c b d ERSKINE, HALL & COE 15 Royal Arcade, 28 Old Bond Street, London W1S 4SP Hans Coper, Ruth Duckworth & Lucie Rie. Sep 11–Oct 3. Jennifer Lee. Oct 9–Nov 1. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–6 (during exhibs) tube Green Park, Bond Street t 020 7491 1706 e MARLBOROUGH FINE ART 6Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BY David Dawson, London: Wales: New York. Showing until Oct 5. Avigdor Arikha. Oct 9–Nov 2. MARLBOROUGH CONTEMPORARY Diango Hernández. Until Oct 26. t 020 7629 5161 f 020 7629 6338 f RICHARD NAGY LTD 22 Old Bond Street, London W1S 4PY Classic Modernism, German Expressionism, Viennese Secession including works by Egon Schiele and Gustav Klimt, and their contemporaries. Exhibition: George Grosz Berlin. Prostitutes, Politicians and Profiteers. Sep 28–Nov 2. Tue–Sat 12–5 during exhibition thereafter open by appointment t 020 7734 7800 g WATERHOUSE & DODD 47 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4JW Modern British Art – a Group Exhibition. Sep 25–Oct 18. Featuring paintings and sculptures by Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Trevor Bell, Lynn Chadwick, Brian Crouch, Alan Davie, Terry Frost, William Gear, Stanley Hayter, David Hockney, Eliot Hodgkin, Roger Hilton, Alan Lowndes, Henry Moore, Ben Nicholson, Joe Tilson and others. Mon–Fri 9.30–6 t 020 7734 7800 Born on the North East coast of England, marine and coastal subjects have always provided the central subject matter of Derek Hare’s art, though after leaving Sunderland Art School in the mid-60s and going to live in London, it was his travels abroad that provided much of his earliest subject matter. First it was Sweden, Norway and Northern Germany, where he lived for a while on an island in the Baltic. It was the discovery, in the late 1980s, of the blue, iridescent waters around the Bahamian island of Abaco that transformed his palette and he still returns there regularly to this day, despite travelling all over the world. Thirteen countries’ coastlines are explored in his latest Gallery 27 (map 27) show – each quite distinctive and richly varied. NU THUMB nails Derek Hare ‘Bahamas Sunset’