Galleries - September 2013

T H E M A L L C O N S T I T U T I O N H I L L B I R D CA G E W ALK M O TCO M B S T S Q B E L G R A V E P I M L I C O R O A D R O Y A L H O S P I T A L R D B U C K I N G H A M P A L A C E R O A D L Y A L L S TRE E T E C CLE STO N S T E B U R Y S T B EL G R A VE R O A D L U P U S S T R E E T R E G E N C Y S T J O H N I S L I P S T E A TO N TCE P EL H A M S L O A N E A V E M I L N E R S T P O N T S T W A LT O N S TR EET I N G T O N R D D R A Y C O T T A V E G R O S V E N O R P L V A U X H A L L B R I D G E R O A D M I L L B A N K B A N K S LOANE S TREET C H E L S E A B R I D G V I C T O R I A S T R E E T K E N S I N G T O N R O A D E X H I B I T I O N R O A D E L L R O A D Q U E E N 'S G ATE F U L H A M R O A D B R O M P T O N R O A D D B R O M P T O N R D K I N G ' S R O A D HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BUCKINGHAM PALACE ST JAMES'S PARK a e g d f c b Victoria Sloane Square Pimlico Knightsbridge S.Kensington Westminster a CADOGAN CONTEMPORARY 87 Old BromptonRoad, SW7 3LD Ann Shrager. Sep 10–28. Ann Shrager ceates a sense of light-hearted whimsy in her work. This new exhibition visits both the exotic, vibrant settings of her travels, and calmer, coastal scenes found closer to home, filling the viewer with nostalgia and intrigue. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–6 t 020 7581 5451 b CRANE KALMAN 178 BromptonRoad, SW3 1HQ Summer Show: A selection of Modern and Contemporary, British, American and European Paintings and Sculpture. Until Sep 26. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 020 7584 7566 c LONG & RYLE 4 JohnIslip Street, SW1P 4PX 20/21 British Art Fair , Royal College of Art, Sep 11–15, Stand 49. Exhibiting John Monks, Derrick Guild, Katharine Morling, Brian Sayers, Nick Archer, Ramiro Fernandez Saus, Su Blackwell, Maro Gorky, Geoff Routh, Helen Napper. ‘A Change in the Weather’: Brian Sayers. Sep 19–Oct 11. LAPADA Art and Antiques Fair , Berkeley Square, Sep 25–29. Exhibiting Simon Casson, John Monks, Ramiro Fernandez Saus, Katharine Morling. Tue–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 11–2 t 020 7834 1434 d OSBORNE STUDIO GALLERY 2 Motcomb Street, SW1X 8JU Alistair Little. Sep 25–Oct 11. In association with Panter and Hall. An exciting exhibition of Alistair’s work inspired by the world of horses and racing. A new subject to the artist whose style will lend an interesting dynamic to this inspirational theme. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–5, Sun 12–5 t 020 7235 9667 e TATE BRITAIN Millbank, SW1P 4RG BP Walk through British Art. Permanent display. A new chronological presentation of the world’s greatest collection of British art, comprising around 500 artworks over a newly configured sequence of over 20 galleries. Art Under Attack: Histories of British Iconoclasm. Oct 2–Jan 5. Tate Britain presents the first exhibition to explore the history of physical attacks on art in Britain from the 16th century to the present day. Lowry and the Painting of Modern Life. Until Oct 20. A major exhibition of urban landscapes by the much loved British painter LS Lowry. 7 days a week 10–6, to 10pm 1st Fri of month t 020 7887 8888 (bookings and information) f 12 STAR GALLERY Europe House, 32 Smith Square, SW1P 3EU Image as Witness: Europe and the Arts Council Collection. Jul 17–Sep 6. Marking the 40th anniversary of the UK joining what would become the EU. Includes work by Douglas Gordon, Lucy Gunning, Mike Nelson, Hayley Newman, Lindsay Seers and Wolfgang Tillmans. The Clipperton Project. Sep 11–27. This international organisation uses notions of journeying, exploration and discovery to empower audiences all over the world. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7973 1992 g VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM Cromwell Road, SW7 2RL Sky Arts Ignition: Memory Palace. Until Oct 20. £6, concs available. A new work of fiction by Hari Kunzru, visualised by 20 internationally acclaimed illustrators, graphic designers and typographers. Club to Catwalk: London Fashion in the 1980s. Jul 10–Feb 16. £5. With designs by Katharine Hamnett, Wendy Dagworthy and John Galliano. Pearls. Sep 21–Jan 19. £10, concs available. Experience the beauty and allure of pearls across centuries and cultures. Daily 10–5.45, & 10–10 every Fri General admn free, but separate charges may apply to exhibitions. Further info: t 020 7942 2000 MAP 20 LONDON KNIGHTSBRIDGE & BELGRAVIA 40. GALLERIES SEPTEMBER 13