Galleries - April 2014

14 GALLERIES APRIL 2014 MAP 3 SCOTLAND EDINBURGH c THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 45 Market Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DF Tania Kovats: Oceans. Mar 15–May 26. Mon–Sat 11–6, Sun 12–5 t 0131 225 2383 d THE LAUREL GALLERY 58 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh EH3 5AL Specialising in affordable Scottish Art, Crafts and Gifts. Gallery also runs art and craft workshops as well as having regular exhibitions. Tue–Fri 11–5.30, Sat 10.30–5 Sun/Mon by appt t 0131 226 5022 e OPEN EYE GALLERY 34Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE Adrian Wiszniewski RSA HonFRIAS HRSW. Apr 5–23. *pr *ad Major exhibition ofpaintings, drawings and prints by ‘New Glasgow Boy’ Adrian Wiszniewski to coincide with the publication ofa monograph ofthe artist by Alex Kidson. Roland Fraser: Found. Apr 5–23. An exhibition offurniture and relief wall panel works by Roland Fraser created entirely from salvaged wood and inspired by the source ofthe reclaimed materials. Simon Manby: Sculpture. Apr 5–23. Bronze contemporary sculptures depict figures at play and in contemplation, by Simon Manby who studied sculpture at Edinburgh DUNDASSTREET DAVIDSTREET S TV IN CE NTST CH A RLOT T EST G L E NF INL AS S T YOUNG STRE ET GEORGE STREET ROSESTREET PRINCESSTREET Q U E E N ST R E ET H E RIOTR O W G REA T KIN GST C UM B ER LA N DS T Q UEENS F E RRYST L E I T H W A L K B R O U GHTON S T U N IO N S T E. L O ND ON ST LON DON S T FE T TE SR OW N ORTHUMBERLA ND S T Y OR K PL ACE LOND R O Y A L T MA R KET S TREET P L E A S A N C ES T L E C A N D L E M A K L O T H I A N R O A D MANOR P LA C E M E LVILLEST W I LL I A M S T S H AN D W I C K P LAC E P L A C E A I N S L I E P L A C E M O R A Y H E N D E RS O N R O W N I C OLS S O U T H B R I D G E C O W G A TE HO R E G E N T R O A D HIGH ST R EET T H E M O U N D C A S T L E T E R R A C E G R A S S M A R K E T RAE B UR N PL A CE C I R C U S R O Y A L S T S T E P H E N S S T A B E R C R O M B Y P L REGENT GARDENS PRINCES ST GARDENS CASTLE P AL M ERS T O N PL B E L F O R D R O A D COM E L Y B A NK AVE T H R D D E A N P A TH Q U E E N S F E R R Y R O A D R A V E I S T O N T E R C RE W E R O A D S OUT H NFI N LASST CU UN I O N S T . L O ND O NS T D . S T P L A C E E C R T H S T M P L C HA R L OT TE S T D A V ST R ET E AT KING ST Q U E ENS F E R Y S T N O T M B ERLAND S T YORK PL C O AT E M AN O R P AC E B R O U G H T O N ST Y U N G S TR EE T GEO R GE ST R E E T R O S E STREET PRI ES STREET QUE S EET E R IOT R OW F E TTE S R O W N O YA M A RKE T S T P L E A S A N G E O R G E I V L O T H I A N R O A D M E LVILL E S T W I L L I A M S T S H AN DW ICK PL ACE HE N D E R S R O W H O LY W A T E L O O HIGH STR E ET T H E M O U N D J O H N S T O N T E R R A C E T G R A S S M A R K E T RA E BURN P L L E I T H W A L K N I C O S O U T H B R I D G E D UN D A S 1 a e d h j i f c b g h Waverley a CHRISTIE’S 5 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh EH3 6DH Fine Art Auctioneers . Please call for viewing times. Mon–Fri 9–5 t 0131 225 4756 b EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS GALLERY 23 Union Street, EH1 3LR Rebecca Gouldson: Industrial Shift. Mar 29–May 24. Etched metal artworks influenced by the sites and relics ofhistoric industry, including shipbuilding and printmaking; two industries traditionally tied to the Edinburgh area. This exhibition includes new work commissioned and published by Edinburgh Printmakers. Tue–Sat 10–6 t 0131 557 2479 College ofArts in the 1960s. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4, admn free t 0131 557 1020 f THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 16 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HZ Perpetua Pope: Painter & Collector Mixed Exhibition – Paintings & Ceramics. Spectrum: Mixed Exhibition – Glass. Adi Toch: Silver & Metalwork. Elizabeth Jane Campbell: Jewellery showcase. All Apr 4–30. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 0131 558 1200 f 0131 558 3900 g SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY The Mound, Edinburgh EH2 2EL Titian and the Golden Age of Venetian Painting. Mar 22–Sep 14. Admission free. t 0131 624 6200, admn free h SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART Belford Road, Edinburgh EH43DR MODERN ONE New Acquisitions. Until May 4. Includes work by Picasso, Cézanne, Hockney, Joan Eardley, Michael Craig-Martin. Admn free. Artist Rooms: Louise Bourgeois, A Woman Without Secrets. Until May 18. MODERN TWO Belford Road, Edinburgh EH43DS The Scottish Colourists Series: JD Fergusson. Until Jun 15. £7/£5. t 0131 624 6200 i SCOTTISH NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JD The Nation: Live, Work, Union, Civil War, Faith, Roots. Until May 6. Modern Portraits. Until May 11. MakingHistory. Until Sep 28. t 0131 624 6200 j THE SUTTON GALLERY 18a Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HZ Julia McNairn White. Apr 5–May 3. In her first solo exhibition for 15 years, highly acclaimed artist Julia McNairn White displays poised and evocative paintings and large scale pastels. Tues–Sat 11–5 t 07854 972930 Anna Lambert ‘Grass Woods re-growth’ slab built cylinder wth inlaid and stencilled slips, 2013. Linton Court Gallery (see listing on facing page) GALLERIES SUPPLEMENTS - Stand alone publications with specialist distribution – including local maps and listings, advertising and articles from Galleries magazine – presented in compact form and focusing on the art rich regions of the UK. For details of the next supplement and to advertise your gallery, show or open studios locally please contact a