Galleries - April 2014

SATURDAY 19 SpringShow - Gallery Tresco - 7 TUESDAY 22 Aimee Birnbaum - Greenwich Printmakers - 17 Euphoric Trumps - Début Art & The Coningsby - 22 WEDNESDAY 23 Anthony Gilbert - Messum’s - 26 Tim Noye - Hastings Arts Forum - 15 THURSDAY 24 Alan Davie - Gimpel Fils - 24 Bruce Yardley – Catto - 21 Our New Artists - Oil & Water Contemporary - 17 FRIDAY 25 Gather - London GlassblowingStudio - 29 Marcelle Hanselaar, Michael Sandle - Millennium - 9 Tom Pike - Foundry - 19 SATURDAY 26 Land - Celia Lendis - 12 Over 100 artists - ReadingContemporary Art Fair - 14 Wall Talk: Maya Ramsay - Cello Factory - 29 MONDAY 28 Sebastian Wylder - Swann - 19 TUESDAY 29 Patrick Gibbs - Minster - 15 Young Art Exhibition - Royal College of Art - 18 WEDNESDAY 30 The Years of La Dolce Vita - Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art - 30 APRIL 14 GALLERIES 9 April 14 NEW SHOWS DIARY D/, >^EKt ϩͲϤϪ ƉƌŝůϤϢϣϦ ĐĂƚĂůŽŐƵĞĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞŽŶƌĞƋƵĞƐƚ Ϥ&ŽƌĞ^ƚ͕^ƚ/ǀĞƐdZϤϨϣ, ϢϣϩϥϨϩϫϦϪϪϪŝŶĨŽΛďĞůŐƌĂǀĞƐƟǀĞƐ͘ĐŽ͘ƵŬ dŝĚĞ ϣϫϩϥKŝůŽŶĐĂŶǀĂƐϣϤdžϣϤĐŵ With my father havingworked for 4 years at Bletchley Park I have particular feelings for Maya Ramsay’s exhibition ‘Wall Talk’ at the Cello Factory, London SE1(from 24 April) in which, by a remarkable technique she has evolved, she can lift the surface ‘skin’ off walls, in this case a number of them (but not all) from the walls of the huts at Station X, as the wartime code-breaking centre was once more usually known. These are powerful and resonant pieces, Ramsay workinghere with three other artists to produce not just the wall surface images but also recordings of sounds produced by and within the derelict buildings plus photographed and filmed documentation of them. Visual and aural histories seem unmistakably imbued in these surfaces, important human records too, now lost to recent renovation of the Station X site. This is not a show simply about Bletchley though, Ramsay’s technique provingeffective for exploringwider issues of secrecy, oppression and horror as well. Nicholas Usherwood TALKING WALLS Maya Ramsay 'Incarceration' (detail) surface lifted from Bletchley Park wall with cobwebs and coat rack. 'Uprisings' (detail) surface lifted from pillar