Galleries - August 2014

? PYMS GALLERY By appointment only Fine Art Dealers. British, Irish, French Paintings. Advice and verbal valuations given free. t 020 7629 2020 k RICHARD GREEN 147 New Bond Street, W1S 2TS Paintings from the Dutch Golden Age to Impressionists. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat by appt 33 New Bond Street, W1S 2RS Leading masters of 20th Century Art. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat by appt t 020 7493 3939 l SARAH MYERSCOUGH GALLERY 15–16 Brooks Mews, off Davies Street, London W1K 4DS Andy Stewart: ‘Truth, Time, Matter’. Until Sep 6. Andy Stewart’s new exhibition ‘Truth, Time, Matter’, explores the spirituality of man encountering the vast, fearful magnificence of the universe and the laws which govern it. He continues his experimental use of materials with acrylic, gloss paint, diamond dust and glitter. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 12–3 tube Bond Street t 020 7495 0069 m SOTHEBY’S 34–35 New Bond Street, W1A 2AA Auctions held daily. Islamic, Oriental and European works of art, paintings, drawings, watercolours, prints, books, manuscripts, furniture, silver, musical instruments, photographs, icons, tribal art. Free advice and valuations given on the premises. Mon–Fri 9–4.30 t 020 72935000 a WHITFIELD FINE ART 23 DeringStreet, W1S 1AW Specialist Dealers in Old Master Paintings. Mon–Fri 9.30–5.30 t 020 7355 0040 f 020 7409 1531 AUGUST 2014 GALLERIES 37 a GRAHAM HUNTER GALLERY 81 Baker Street, W1U 6RQ Contemporary Paintings and Prints. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat 10–5, Sun 11–4 Professional onsite framing service. t 020 7935 7794 b HAY HILL GALLERY 35 Baker Street, W1U 8EN Summer Exhibition. Jul 21–Aug 23. This group exhibition presents an exciting variety of art; featuring a wide selection of artists chosen for their originality and skill, there’s something here for everyone. (Free entry.) Mon–Fri 10.30–6, Sat 11–5, closed Sun/BHols tube Baker Street, Bond Street, Marble Arch t 020 7935 5315 c THOMPSON’S GALLERY LONDON 15 New Cavendish Street, W1G 9UB Summer Exhibition. Throughout July and August. Showing a mixed exhibition including new and established artists for a limited period of time only. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10.30–5.30, Sun 11–5 t 020 7935 3595 MAP 24 LONDON MARYLEBONE PORC H ES TE R P L REE T G E O R G E S T B E L L S T R E E T N E W C A V E N DI W I GM O R E S C R AWF O R D S T M A R Y L E B O N E H I G H S T N N AU G H T S T SE YMOU R ST EDGWARE ROAD N G R O V E B AK ER S T REET S EYMOUR PLACE G L OUC E ST E R P L A C E OX F O R D S T R E E T S T W A Y MA R Y LEB ON E RO A D a c b Marble Arch Bond Stre Baker Street Marylebone Regent's Pa Edgware Road from left Paul Wright ‘The Writer’ oil on canvas, 11 x 11in Thompson’s Gallery (see listingon this page) Henry Moore ‘Madonna & Child’ 1943 Osborne Samuel (see listingon facingpage)