Galleries - December 2014

DECEMBER 2014GALLERIES 41 b HAY HILL GALLERY 35 Baker Street, W1U 8EN Galyna Moskvitina: The Heart of the Matter. Until Dec 31. *ad These aesthetically beautiful paintings are the radiant result of the artist’s 15 year immersion into Eastern Philosophy. Balanced perfectly between eye and soul, they are visions of a heightened awareness. Mon–Fri 10.30–6, Sat 11–5, closed Sun/BHols tube Baker Street, Bond Street, Marble Arch t 020 7935 5315 c RAILINGS GALLERY 5 New Cavendish Street, W1G 8UT ‘Redolent’ – An Artists’ View. From Dec 3. Featuring Jack Vettriano, Sir Peter Blake, David Schneuer, Craigie Aitchison. Mixed exhibition of limited edition prints with an emphasis on the evocative. Mon–Sat 10–5.30 t 020 7935 1114 f 020 7486 9250 d THOMPSON’S GALLERY LONDON 15 New Cavendish Street, W1G 9UB Douglas Gray RSMA. Nov 19–Dec 7. Douglas Gray is a contemporary painter who specialises in marine and cityscapes. Mike Healey. Dec 10–24. A solo exhibition of new works by popular colourist painter of rich still lifes, landscapes, snow scenes and seascapes. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10.30–5.30, Sun 11–5 t 020 7935 3595 MAP 23 LONDON MARYLEBONE PARK G E O R G E S T N E W C A V E N DIS H S T W I GM O R E S T C R AWF O R D S T M A R Y L E B O N E H I G H S T SE YMOU R ST OAD O V E B AK ER S T REET S EYMOUR PLACE G L OUC E ST E R P L A C E P ORT LAN D P L A OX F O R D S T R E E T O X F O MA R Y LEB ON E RO A D a d c b Marble Arch Bond Street Baker Street Marylebone Regent's Park Gt Portland St a GRAHAM HUNTER GALLERY 81 Baker Street, W1U 6RQ Art // Tea. Paintings by Emma Forrester – ‘everyday objects such as vases and tea-cups’. Dec 1–Jan 4. The Way of Tea. Sun Dec 21. A talk and tasting by Xueting (or Christine) Ni. Please reserve your place. Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat 10–5, Sun 11–4 t 020 7935 7794 Professional onsite framing service. *$/<1$026.9,7,1$ 7KH+HDUW2I7KH0DWHU 1RYHPEHU 'HFHPEHU %DNHU6WUHHW/RQGRQ: 8 (1 7HO LQIR#KD\KLOFRP ZZZKD\KLOFRP