Galleries - January 2014

there of a significant Russian painter of the late 20th Century, Sergei Chepik (1953-2011). Described as a ‘searing visionary’, his paintings of phantasmagorical and religious events in both his native Russia and in France, where he went to live in 1988, have won him a growing international reputation . This show, which covers work from both his early years in Russia and from his time in Paris, should prove quite an eye- opener, one suspects. The Cork Street Shuffle News in of a further reshuffling of gallery spaces in Cork Street ahead of the major works due there later in the year – Mayor Gallery are moving diagonally, two doors to their left and one floor up, to the First Floor of 21 Cork Street from this month on. Looking Up Panter & Hall have also moved recently, from cosy Shepherd’s Market to the grandeur of 11-12 Pall Mall. A fantastic space with the addition of a useful basement gallery for smaller shows, this little corner of Pall Mall has become a bit of an art hub and although not always obvious from the street, the large imposing buildings and huge windows belie their outer clubland atmosphere turning to cool artiness within. Definitely worth a visit for their January telling his social media followers about what he was doing resulting in invitations to visit several other historic cities. January Sparkle In a month that, understandably enough I suppose, can lack a certain buzz in London’s commercial gallery scene, the Mall Galleries seems to be taking a very positive line with two distinctly interesting if very contrasting exhibitions. First there is the second edition of an intriguing recent enterprise, the ‘FBA Futures’ show (20-25 January), in which members from the various Federation of British Artists exhibiting societies resident, so to speak, at the Mall Galleries, have selected some 24 artists from the 2013 graduate and post-graduate shows to take part. Designed to highlight the wide and innovative range of approaches to figurative art that are in fact taking place in British art-schools – so often labelled largely conceptual in attitude – it is a splendidly broad show with artists from as far afield as Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle and Falmouth art schools, as well as the South-East and London. A bold bid, in short, to change public perceptions and, perhaps, bring in fresh blood to the societies themselves. Then, just a few days later, the Catto Gallery, in association with Marie-Aude Chepik, are presenting a major retrospective 8 GALLERIES JANUARY 2014 ANTENNAE Fair News . . . As ever, the London Art Fair 2014 (15-19 January) kicks off the new fairs’ season and is looking in good shape. To hear the latest news and see what some of the galleries will be showing at it turn to our feature on p42. Meanwhile early warning of the next one up, the always enjoyable Works on Paper Fair (6-9 February) at the Science Museum in Kensington. A feature on this next month, but just so you get it in your diary . . . New Eyes on York There’s a distinctly enterprising and engaging story behind Ann Petherick’s latest Kentmere House show in York. Entitled ‘New Eyes on York’ and featuring the work of Nigerian-born, Kent- based painter Adebanji Alade, its genesis lies in a visit Ann made to Bath earlier this year where she encountered Adebanji’s work in a gallery and saw immediately how well his way of working would suit the York cityscape. An invitation to visit York followed during the course of which Ann took him on a brief guided tour and then left him to make his choices of subjects. He, in turn, was so excited by the place that, working 12 hours a day, he produced some 10 paintings and a whole host of pencil sketches within the week – and is going back! And now the idea is mushrooming with Adebanji