Galleries - July 2014

continued from page 19 / which makes this extraordinary area sound like another world, which geologically of course it is) Kestle Barton goes from strength to strength. In July Box A: Accidents is a new step in Abigail Reynolds’ practice of using collaged photographs from archives, in this case The Guardian and local Cornish sources to create compelling narratives. In St Ives the Tate has recently reopened – hoorah! Its summer show draws in some big international names – Braque, Rothko, Carl Andre, Hockney – to examine St Ives modernism from the 40s, 50s and 60s within a wider international milieu. The summer exhibition at Belgrave Gallery showcases the work – paintings, prints, sculpture and ceramics – of a selection of high profile modern and contemporary artists while a special feature, ‘Birds of a Feather’ focuses on the subject of birds and includes work by Sven Berlin, Elisabeth Frink, Guy Taplin and others. Next door at New Craftsman Gallery , a mixed summer show (and book launch focusing on the work of Tony and Jane O’Malley) is followed by an exhibition of large, dramatic landscape paintings by Neil Davies that perfectly evoke the wildness of this area, shown together with ceramics and glass by Chris Keenan, Gillies Jones and Jane Reeves. In addition, do check out Wills Lane Gallery ; summer shows at both St Ives Society of Artists and Porthminster Gallery ; the now flourishing Penwith Gallery ; Millennium (sometimes edgy, always interesting) and Sandra Blow’s studio at Jonathan Grimble for work from her estate. In an idyllic setting near Morvah, Yew Tree Gallery is showing its customary well balanced selection of paintings and ceramics. Luke Piper (son of Edward, grandson of John) found Penwith’s topography with its network of ley lines as inspirational as the indigenous dreamscapes of Australia where he worked in 2010. Concentrating on light and colour as well as structure, his search for the “raw spirit” of this place resulted in work that draws on both the tellurian and the ariel. Themes of landscape are echoed in Dennis Farrell’s clayworks and teamed with Rod Friend’s pastels of Andalucia and Annie Hewett’s slipware. Finally, a few miles down the coast near Land’s End is the Roundhouse and Capstan Gallery at Sennen Cove. In a unique, circular Victorian building which housed a capstan wheel to haul boats up the slipway, it offers a fine range of work by Cornish applied and fine artists including Neil Pinkett, Paul Armitage, Colin Caffell and Michael Praed. Pip Palmer left: P atrick Heron (1920-99) ‘Untitled 1971’ screenprint at Belgrave St Ives Peter Lanyon ‘Soaring Flight’ 1960 (courtesy of Arts Council Collection Hayward Gallery) at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum JULY 14 GALLERIES 25