Galleries - June 2014

MAP 11 ENGLAND BATH a ADAM GALLERY 13 John Street, Bath BA1 2JL Contact Gallery for latest exhibition information. Mon–Sat 9.30–5.30 t/f 01225 480406 b ANTHONY HEPWORTH FINE ART DEALERS 16 Margarets Buildings, Brock Street, Bath BA1 2LP Pictures from a Private Collection. May 15–Jun 7. An Adventure in Art that began in the 1920s. Including works by Sickert, Wood, Moore, Wallis, Kolle & Gill amongst others. The Gallery is exhibiting at Art Antiques London from Jun 12–18. Open during Exhib Tue–Sat 11–5 or by appt t 01225 310694 m 07970 480650 c BATH CONTEMPORARY 35 Gay Street, Bath BA1 2NT Paint, Metal and Concrete. May 17–Jun 7. Malcolm Ashman ROI RBA and Marc Bodie explore the process ofconstruction and deterioration. Ashman’s painterly and abstracted urban landscapes converse sympathetically, yet powerfully with Bodie’s weathered concrete and rusted metal sculptures. Summer Exhibition. Jun 21–Jul 26. Featuring a different artist each week, Bath Contemporary plays host to a summer exhibition ofdiverse new work by a selection ofartists including Mike Bernard, Peter Kettle, Diana Matthews and Ellen Watson. t 01225 461230 d BEAUX ARTS BATH 12/13 York Street, Bath BA1 1NG David Tress: New Paintings. May 12–Jun 14. Anna Gillespie: New Sculptures. May 12–Jun 14. Carina Ciscatto: New Ceramics. May 12–Jun 14. ‘Artists of Renown and Promise’. Jun 23–Aug 30. New painting and sculpture by Martin Greenland, Simon Allen, Peter Haslam Fox, Christopher Marvell, Anna Gillespie, Kieran Ingram, Mark Johnston, amongst others. Jill Fanshawe Kato: New Ceramics. Jun 23–Aug 30. Mon–Sat 10–5, admn free t 01225 464850 Adjacent to Bath Abbey GE ORG E S T T H E C I R C U S C H U R C H S T S U T T O N M O N M O U T H S T R O A D GA Y S TR EE T G R E A T P U L T E N E B R I D G E S T WE S T G A T E S T J A M E S S T Y O R K ST W EST S T J U L I A N R O A D M I LS O M S TR E E T L E V E L A N D B R . B A L O N D O N R O A D - A A D W A L C O T S T L O N D O N S T N O R T H P A R A D E R O Y A L A V E N U E HENRIETTA PARK GREEN PK STATION a e g d h l k j i f c b e BONHAMS Queen Square House, Charlotte Street, Bath BA1 2LL Fine Art Auctioneers and Valuers. t 01225 788988 f EDGAR MODERN Bartlett Street (off George Street) Bath BA1 2EE AAF Hampstead Heath, Jun 12–16, Stand H7. Featuring new work from Henrietta Dubrey, Carl Melegari, Paul Wright, Heath Hearn, Janis Ridley, Tyler Stone, Becky Buchanan, Mungo Powney, Jess Cooper RWA, John Harland and Mhairi McGregor. Sun 11–3, Mon–Thur 10–5, Fri 11–3, Sat 10–5 t 01225 443746 g GALLERY NINE 9B Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP h HILTON FINE ART 5 Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP Neil Pinkett – Shifting Skies & Seas. May 31–Jun 21. This inaugural show at Hilton Fine Art features paintings ofthe West Cornwall coast that are at the looser end of Pinkett’s oeuvre in keeping with the gallery’s ethos of painterly semi-figurative work. After Matisse. Jun 28–Aug 30. Rose Hilton, Bruce Mclean, Alice Mumford, Sandra Blow and Frank Phelan. Tue–Sat 10–5.30 t 01225 311311 i NICK CUDWORTH GALLERY 5 London Street (top of Walcot Street), Bath BA1 5BU Monthly exhibitions of paintings and prints by Nick Cudworth reflecting his interest in music and landscape, specialising in paintings ofBath and surrounding area. Nick paints in his studio to the rear of the gallery and is available to discuss his work with visitors. Tue–Sat 10–5 t 01225 445221 m 07968 047639 j QUERCUS GALLERY 1 Queen Street, Bath BA1 1HE Patterns of Enquiry. May 16–Jun 14. Group show including ceramics by Elodie Alexandre, textiles by Holly Berry, Rose Ellen Cobb jewellery, prints by StefMitchell and collages by Clare Packer. Galliversary Summer Show. Jun 28–Aug 23. A mixed exhibition celebrating Quercus Gallery’s first year! A chance to see present gallery artists’ work and discover new artists in an eclectic yet harmonious show ofpaintings, prints, sculpture, mixed media, ceramics, jewellery and textiles. Tue–Sat 10.30–5.30 t 01225 428211 k QUEST GALLERY 7 Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP ‘New Perspectives’. Apr 29–Jun 21. Work by Jude Lamb, Lisa Mickelwright, Katharina Rompf. Tue–Sat 10.30–5.30 or by appt t 01225 444142 l ROSTRA GALLERY 5 George Street, Bath BA1 2EJ JUNE 2014 GALLERIES 25