Galleries - March 2014

LIVELY PRESENCE Jack Knox’s long association with Gerber Fine Art , over five decades, makes it appropriate that he is having this retrospective exhibition of paintings, pastels and drawings at Compass Gallery in Glasgow (Mar 27 to Apr 19). A product of GSA in the 1950s Knox has long since established himself as a major Scottish figure, not only through his distinctive art, but as a former very influential teacher. Both a superb draughtsman and an accomplished painter, he brings to all his work – in whatever medium – a very personal approach, which skilfully plays off animated illustration against expressive gestural brushwork, causing his succulently coloured still-lifes and evocative landscapes to take on a lively presence all their own. (See picture overleaf) Bill Hare There is huge regret there for the passing of the old sociability among dealers on the street but also an edge of anticipation for what the new Richard Rogers development, plus the anticipated agreement to the artistic SPA, will mean long term. Necessary change versus slow decay? Nicholas Usherwood Second Home International dealers Cynthia Corbett Gallery have been treating Cork Street as a central London ‘home’ since 2007, holding several shows there each year and finding it an especially useful rendezvous point for overseas clients. In addition to presenting their gallery artists, they’ve also hosted The Young Masters Art Prize on ‘The Street’ in 2012. On Mar 31 they open the first solo show for British Pop artist Deborah Azzopardi at The Gallery in Cork Street and in June celebrate their 10th Anniversary with a special group exhibition at the same venue. Azzopardi’s colourful, often Lichtenstein-esque imagery is familiar from retailers in over 50 countries, and her highly collectable originals now command serious figures . . . AA MARCH 2014 GALLERIES 15 last Thursday of the month, it is going to work – Luke Elwes has their first solo show there. Then there are those that have stayed despite the need to leave their existing spaces and, of course, the two years-plus of building chaos: viz Mayor and Messum’s . Mayor have moved one door sideways and up into the handsome first floor formerly occupied by Ben Brown. Again a much nicer gallery space – currently showing Luis Tomaselli’s lucid optical pieces – but with obviously less footfall and, as far as they are concerned, more problematic, a lack of substantial storage space – most of their stock has to be kept off-site. The feeling here though is upbeat, the long term possibilities worth waiting for. A not dissimilar attitude to Messum’s in fact, where the move, from no.8 on the west side to no.28 just opposite on the east, won’t happen until much later in the year, their current spaces (showing the handsome ‘Eastern Influences’ exhibition to 15 March) then being refurbished for unknown use. They bought no. 28, the large modern ‘for hire’ space on the street last year and they will only start to move in to it after they have honoured the space’s current contracts in July. from left: W ladyslaw Mirecki ‘Walberswick Pier and Moon’ watercolour, at Chappel Galleries Laurence Edwards ‘Man of Stones’ bronze and James Dodds ‘Framed Up’ oil on linen, both at Messum’s Fine Art. Luke Elwes ‘Pasted Graphic 1’ at Adam Gallery. Right: Deborah Azzopardi, ‘Freedom!’ acrylic on board, at The Cynthia Corbett Gallery