Galleries - March 2014

28 GALLERIES MARCH 2014 MAP 13 ENGLAND BATH a ADAM GALLERY 13 John Street, Bath BA1 2JL Gallery Focus on the acclaimed Japanese artist Fujio Akai. Exhibition throughout March. Mon–Sat9.30–5.30 t/f 01225 480406 b ANTHONY HEPWORTH FINE ART DEALERS 16 Margarets Buildings, Brock Street, Bath BA1 2LP Dealers in Modern British & Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. Open from Mar 7 Thur–Sat11–5 or by appt t01225 310694 m 07970 480650 c BATH CONTEMPORARY 35 Gay Street, Bath BA1 2NT Victoria Gamberoni. Feb 15–Mar 8. Figures float suspended in a tapestry of soft brushstrokes; Gamberoni’s serene body of works rest beneath a dreamlike lens. Also showing work by Moira Huntly PPS RI RWA RSMA and Norma Stephenson PS. Claire Wiltsher: ‘A Sense of Place’. Mar 14–Apr 5. Claire Wiltsher’s new works embody nature’s force with masterful turbulence of mark. Wiltsher beautifully captures the unpredictability of wilderness as her energy of paint whips across canvas and threads through her storm-filled skies. t01225 461230 d BEAUX ARTS BATH 12/13 York Street, Bath BA1 1NG New Paintings by Stewart Edmondson; New Wall Sculptures by Simon Allen; New Ceramics by Adam Buick. Mar 3–29. Mon–Sat10–5, admn free t01225 464850 Adjacent to Bath Abbey e BONHAMS Queen Square House, Charlotte Street, Bath BA1 2LL Fine Art Auctioneers and Valuers. Please call for viewing times. t01225 788988 GE ORG E S T T H E C I R C U S C H U R C H S T D S U T T O N M O N M O U T H S T R O A D GA Y S TR EE T G R E A T P U L T E N E B R I D G E S T WE S T G A T E S T J A M E S S T T Y O R K ST W EST S T J U L I A N R O A D M I LS O M S TR E E T C L E V E L A N D B R . B A L O N D O N R O A D - A 4 R O A D W A L C O T S T L O N D O N S T N O R T H P A R A D E R O Y A L A V E N U E HENRIETTA PARK GREEN PK STATION a e g d h m l k j i f c b f EDGAR MODERN Bartlett Street (off George Street) Bath BA1 2EE Portrait of an Icon, Paul Wright: Previewing at AAF Battersea, Mar 13–16, in Bath Apr 6–25. Edgar Modern presents Paul Wright’s dynamic new collection of works. Mon–Sat10–5, Fri & Sun 10–3 t01225 443746 g GALLERY NINE 9B Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP h H ilton F ine A rt 5 Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP Selected Painters from the New English Art Club. Mar 8–29. Bringing together six artists: Fred Cuming RA, Bo Hilton, Richard Pikesley, Salliann Putman, Ann Shrager and Arthur Neal. With Modern British downstairs including Sandra Blow, Terry Frost and Roger Hilton. Tue–Sat10–5.30 t01225 311311 i NICK CUDWORTH GALLERY 5 London Street (top of Walcot Street), Bath BA1 5BU Monthly exhibitions of paintings and prints by Nick Cudworth reflecting his interest in music and landscape, specialising in paintings of Bath and surrounding area. Tue–Sat10–5 t01225 445221 m 07968 047639 j PETER HAYES CERAMICS 2 Cleveland Bridge, Bath BA1 5DH After many years travelling through Africa and Asia, Peter Hayes converted an old toll bridge lodge on the banks of the river Avon into a working studio and gallery. Throughout the studio and garden visitors are able to view the making process at all stages. Showing a range of interior and exterior sculpture and ceramics. t01225 466215 k QUERCUS GALLERY 1 Queen Street, Bath BA1 1HE Out of the Blue Part II. Until Mar 22. New works added including a recent series of abstracts by Joan Doerr, landscape and seascape paintings by new gallery artists Miranda Goode and Peter Rush, jewellery by Corrie Williamson and textiles by Holly Berry. Edge Lines. Apr 5–May 3. Vanessa Gardiner solo show. Tue–Sat10.30–5.30 t01225 428211 l QUEST GALLERY 7 Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP Michael Kenny RA. Mar 3–Apr 20. ‘The Crucifixx’ at Bath Abbey, ‘Stations of the Cross’ at Quest Gallery. In association with The Royal Academy of Arts and Bath Abbey. Tue–Sat10.30–5.30 or by apptt01225 444142 m ROSTRA GALLERY 5 George Street, Bath BA1 2EJ