Galleries - March 2014

MAP 23 LONDON NEW BOND STREET 38 GALLERIES MARCH 2014 S . M O L TON S T B IN N E Y ST DER I N G S T W H I T E H OR S E B O LTON S T H AL F M OO N CL IF F O BRU T O N PL B O U R D O N S T A V E R Y R O W S T G E O R GE S T C AR LOS P L BRO O K'S M S WEI GH H O U S EST B E R K E L E Y S T R E E T D O V E R S T R E E R EE T D A V I E S S T R E E T D U K E ST R EE T BROOK S T RE E T N. AUD LEY S T C H AR LES ST SO UT H S T R EET H I L L S T REE T S. A U DLE Y ST C U R Z O N S T R E E T M O U N T S T R E E T B R U T O N S T S Q U A R E B E R K E L E Y M A D D O X G R O S V E N O R S T R E E T SQUA R E G RO S V E N O R S Q U A R E H A N O V E R P A R K S T R E E T C O N D U I T S N E W N E W B O N D S T R E E T P A R K L A N E P I C C A D I L L Y O X F O R D S T R E E T F F I E S E MAP 25 MAP 26 a e d h n m f c b i j l k g l Bond Street a ANNELY JUDA FINE ART 23 Dering Street, W1S 1AW Alan Charlton. Feb 14–Mar 22. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–5 t 020 7629 7578 b ART GALLERIES EUROPE 18 Maddox Street, W1S 1PL France Courpotin. Mar 17–22. *ad France says ofher paintings: “Each one ofus is a kaleidoscope, always in motion. The idea ofthe kaleidoscope was born from the fascination that I have with the complexity ofthe human identity.” PV Mar 18, 6–10pm. Open 11–6 Mon–Sat t 020 7620 0991 (UK Agent) c BEAUX ARTS 48 Maddox Street, W1S 1AY Fresh Start: opening exhibition in a new space of specially commissioned work by gallery artists. Feb 20 to end ofMarch. *ad Mon–Sat 11–6 t 020 7493 1155 f 020 7495 8517 d BONHAMS 101 New Bond Street, W1S 1SR Auctions and viewing held daily ofpaintings, watercolours and prints, English, European, Oriental ceramics, etc. Free verbal valuations given. Mon–Fri 8.30–5, Sun (viewing only) 2–5 t 020 7629 6602 e THE FLEMING COLLECTION 13 Berkeley Street, W1J 8DU Foundation & Trust: un(coverings). Until Mar 8. An art audit ofpaintings in our permanent collection by Artists’ Collective Foundation & Trust. Paintings from the Collection will be on display alongside new works made by the collective in direct response to the process behind the exhibition. Gallery One & Two. Please Note: the gallery will be closed Mar 9–24 inclusive. New Scottish Artists – A RoyalScottish Academy Exhibition Supported by the Fleming-Wyfold Foundation. Mar 25–May 31. In partnership with the Royal Scottish Academy, a selection ofworks from the RSA’s annual RSA New Contemporaries exhibition will be on display. Gallery One & Two. Tue–Sat 10–5.30 tube Green Park t 020 7042 5730 f GALLERY ELENA SHCHUKINA 10 Lees Place, Mayfair, W1K 6LL Allan Forsyth: Vivid Light. Feb 6–Mar 28. Scottish artist Allan Forsyth’s photography-based works reflect the drama of nature through a range of techniques. Mon–Fri 9.30–5.30, Sat by appt tube Marble Arch, Bond Street t 020 7499 6019 g GIMPEL FILS 30 Davies Street, W1K 4NB JankelAdler: Works on Paper, Part 2. Jan 23–Mar 8. Michelle Dovey: In the Garden. Mar 13–Apr 17. Alan Davie: Recent Works on Paper. Apr 24–May 23. Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 11–4 t 020 7493 2488 f 020 7629 5732 h HAMILTONS GALLERY 13 Carlos Place, W1K 2EU Modern and Contemporary Photography. From January to March 2014, Hamiltons will have gallery refurbishments underway. While there are no exhibitions in the gallery during this time, works by gallery artists may be viewed by appointment and special online exhibitions can be viewed on the website below. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7499 9494 FRANCE COURPOTIN Art Galleries Europe 18 Maddox St., W1S 1PL Mon 17 – Sat 22 March Open 11.00 – 18.00 Private View: Tues 18 March 18.00 – 22.00 Web: