Galleries - March 2014

a MALL GALLERIES The Mall (nr Trafalgar Square), SW1 RoyalSociety of British Artists: Annual Exhibition. Mar 5–15. Exhibitingthe best of contemporary painting, sculpture, printmakingand drawingsourced from member artists and through open submission. *ad 10–5 (closes 1pm final day) Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize. Mar 17–22. (See facingpage.) 10–5 t 020 7930 6844 MARCH 2014 GALLERIES 45 b THE NATIONAL GALLERY Trafalgar Square, WC2N 5DN Veronese: Magnificence in Renaissance Venice. Mar 19–Jun 15. Entrance Room 9, admn charge. Major works by Paolo Veronese – one of the leading painters of the 16th century – in the first monographic show on the artist to be held in the United Kingdom. Strange Beauty: Masters of the German Renaissance. Feb 19–May 11. Sainsbury Wing, admn charge. A fresh look at National Gallery paintings, alongside drawings and prints, by German Renaissance artists includingHolbein, Cranach and Dürer. The Sunflowers. Jan 25–Apr 27. Room 46, admn free. Two versions of Van Gogh’s iconic ‘Sunflower’ paintings, shown together in London for the first time in 65 years. Daily 10–6, Fri until 9 t 020 7747 2885 Gallery Information c PANTER & HALL 11–12 Pall Mall, SW1Y 5LU Donald MacDonald: ‘Paper People’. Mar 5–21. A wonderfully fun and poignant exhibition of Donald’s exquisite oil paintings depicting his ‘Paper People’ at important moments in their journey through life. PJ Crook MBE. Mar 14–Apr 4. A small retrospective showcasingthe extraordinary work of this important English artist. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat by appt t 020 7399 9999 K I N G ST HAL L ST C O CK SP U R S T N O RTH UMBER LA N D A VE . OL D COMP TO N B EA K ST R EGEN T J E R MYN ST R E ET CARLTON HSE. TER. H A Y M A R K E T W H I T E HA L L THE MA L L P A L L M A L L B E D F O R D S T FL O R A L S T SAI N T M A R T I N ' S LANE S H EL TO N B O W D EET EET L EXINGTON S T C H A R I N G C R O S S R O A D B REWER ST L O N G A C R E STR E ET S H A F T E S B U R Y A V E S T R A N D S P I C C A DIL L Y V I C T O R I A E M B A S T Covent Gar Piccadilly Circus Leicester Square Charing Cross Emb a c b MAP 28 LONDON TRAFALGAR SQUARE Annual Exhibition 2014 5 to 15 March, 10am to 5pm (closes 1pm on final day) Exhibiting the best of contemporary painting, sculpture, printmaking and drawing sourced from member artists and through open submission. Works will be available to Browse & Buy online at: The Mall, London SW1 Tel: 020 7930 6844 Image: Rowan Crew Sen Hon RBA, Arthur Turner Free entry with this voucher