Galleries - May 2014

40 GALLERIES MAY 2014 MAP 22 LONDON BLOOMSBURY & FITZROVIA a ABBOTT & HOLDER 30 Museum Street, WC1A 1LH Watercolours, Drawings, Oils and Prints 1750-Present. For ‘Lists’ (catalogues) introducing new stock on the first Wednesday of every month visit: t 020 7637 3981 b ADAM GALLERY - LONDON 67 Mortimer Street, W1W 7SE Douglas Jeal & Mark Elliott Smith. Apr 29–May 17. Adam Gallery is delighted to be presenting the work of Douglas Jeal and Mark Elliot Smith. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–3 t 020 7580 4360 c AUSTIN/DESMOND FINE ART Pied Bull Yard, 68/69 Great Russell Street, WC1B 3BN Mixed Exhibition of Modern British and International artists. Throughout May. Mon–Fri 10.30–5.30 t 020 7242 4443 f 020 7404 4480 d CONTEMPORARY CERAMICS CENTRE 63 Great Russell Street, WC1B 3BF Valéria Nascimento: Blooming. May 1–31. Organic forms, fragments of nature. Valéria Nascimento draws her inspiration from the natural world. ‘Blooming’ brings to the gallery an installation full of delicate porcelain pieces and flowers celebrating the spring season. Mon–Sat 10.30–6 t 020 7242 9644 e DÉBUT ART & THE CONINGSBY GALLERY 30 Tottenham Street, W1T 4RJ Euphoric Trumps. Apr 22–May 3. Anglo-Mexican influenced computer generated characters by Craig Robinson. Photographs by BA (Hons) editorial and advertising course students at University of Gloucester. May 5–10. Range of talks during exhibition. ‘Travelling Light’. Paintings by David Freeman. May 12–17. Bronze cherubs in Vienna, rusty doorbells in Malta, a quiet Sussex pond, directions to a motel in Los Angeles and many more. The Macmillan Prize for Children’s Book Illustration 2014. May 19–24. The bo.lee Gallery presents ‘Damaged Humans’ – Paintings by Sarah Ball. May 27–Jun 7. 9–6 weekdays t 020 7636 7478 OL D G LO U C E ST ER S T OR M OND ST GU I L FORD ST R EET G T S T J A M E S S T R E D L I O N B E D F O R D S Q U A R E BED FO RD P L BLO O MSBURY M U SE U M LIN CO L N' S I N N K IN G S W BE RN ER S S T N E W M A N S T R E E T OX FORD ST R EET N E W OX F ORD ST R E ET HO LB O RN WI ND MI L L CH E N IES B Y N G P L A C E EDFORD WAY S Q UA RE RU SS ELL M ONT A GU E S T R EET MA L ET S T REET S T O R E S T MA P L E ST R E ET WH IT FI E LD STRE E T HOWLAND ST G RA F TO N WAY T O T T E N HA M M ORTIMER S T G OO D GE S T R A T H B O N E P L C L E V E L A N D S T GT. TITCHFIELD S T G RE AT R US SEL L S T TOTTE N HAM C OURT R O A D G OWE R STREET M ON TAGUE P L S OUTHAMP TO N R O W T H E O B A L D S R O A D L A M B'S C O N D U I T S T RE D LION ST ST R OW BRITISH MUSEUM UNIVERSITY OF LONDON G R T . ST BEDFORD SQUARE S T W A Y EA S T C AS TLE ST P ORT L A ND P L R E G E N T S T LD GLO U C E STE R ST GT OR ON D ST N B E D F O R D R O W B E DF O RD PL S E N L N 'S IN FI E L D S WI N D MIL L HE N I ES ST T O T E HA M ST ST S AR E E L M O N T A G UE STRE ET ST O O N D ST M O N T AG UE G R A T RUSSELL ST GUILFORD STREET G T S T J A M E S B L M U R Y S B E R N ER S ST N E W M A N S T B P E D F O R D W A Y MAL ET STR E T M P L E E T W HI TFIELD S T R E T A F N W A Y M I ER ST G O C H A R L O T T E S T OWER STREET LACE SOUTHAMPTON R W T H E O B A L D S R O A D L A M B'S C O NDUIT E D LI O N ST W CLEVELAND STREET G T. TITCHFIELD ST G REAT PORTLAND ST R EET O XFORD S TRE ET NE W OXFO R D STRE E T HOLBOR N TO TTE N HA M CO U R T O AD E U S Tottenham Court Rd Russell Sq Holborn Goodge St a g d j c f e b h i h John Piper ‘Trefach’ c.1953 John Piper There can be few 20th C. British modernist artists who covered quite such a wide range of artistic media through the course of their career – from abstract paintings and reliefs to photography and theatre design via stained glass, ceramics and textiles. Drawing on over 40 years of association with the artist – he lived just up the road from their Henley base – has allowed the Bohun Gallery (map 14) to source examples from almost all these areas for their latest show of his work. Among the treasures is a never previously seen double-sided canvas with a Christ risen from Emmaus on one side and The Twin Chapels of Seion on the other! The show is particularly strong on his architectural and landscape studies, through which, as Betjeman observed, Piper did much to help save for posterity. NU THUMB nails