Galleries - November 2014

NOVEMBER 2014 GALLERIES 43 c THOMPSON’S GALLERY LONDON 15 New Cavendish Street, W1G 9UB Philip Blacker. Nov 5–16. Philip Blacker presents on the centenary ofthe beginning ofWW1, a sensitive and astonishing tribute ofbronze friezes. Douglas Gray RSMA. Nov 19–Dec 7. Douglas Gray is a con- temporary painter who specialises in marine and cityscapes. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10.30–5.30, Sun 11–5 t 020 7935 3595 MAP 23 LONDON MARYLEBONE PARK G E O R G E S T N E W C A V E N DIS H S T W I GM O R E S T C R AWF O R D S T M A R Y L E B O N E H I G H S T SE YMOU R ST OAD O V E B AK ER S T REET S EYMOUR PLACE G L OUC E ST E R P L A C E P ORT LAN D P L A OX F O R D S T R E E T O X F O MA R Y LEB ON E RO A D a c b Marble Arch Bond Street Baker Street Marylebone Regent's Park Gt Portland St g OCTOBER GALLERY 24 Old Gloucester Street, WC1N 3AL Interwoven Histories. Until Nov 29. An exhibition of mixed-media works by artists from Africa. Includes works by Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga, Nnenna Okore, Romuald Hazoumè. The exhibition also introduces works by Adejoke Tugbiyele. Tue–Sat 12.30–5.30, or by appt, admn free t 020 7242 7367 tube Holborn/Russell Square h REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY 2a Conway Street, Fitzrovia, W1T 6BA Andrew Mockett. Until Nov 3. DerrenBrown and Barbara Macfarlane. Nov 5–29. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7436 4899 REBECCA HOSSACK ART GALLERY AT CHARLOTTE STREET 28 Charlotte Street, W1T 2NA Hepzibah Swinford: Flowers4U. Nov 12–29. David Foster. Until Nov 8. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7255 2828 i STORE STREET GALLERY 32 Store Street, WC1E 7BS j WOOLFF GALLERY 89 Charlotte Street, W1T 4PU Clay Sinclair: ‘Welcome to Utopia’ – solo show. Nov 7–Dec 18. A selection ofvibrant artworks all painted in reverse on perspex, commenting on current global issues and the ideal notion ofUtopia. PV Nov 6, 6–9pm. Mon–Fri 10.30–6, Sat 11–5 t 020 7631 0551 a GRAHAM HUNTER GALLERY 81Baker Street, W1U 6RQ Mon–Fri 9.30–6, Sat 10–5, Sun 11–4 t 020 7935 7794 Professional onsite framing service. b HAY HILL GALLERY 35 Baker Street, W1U 8EN Anne Tanner: The Brilliance ofColour / Gallery Artists: Group Show. Until Nov 22. Tanner’s bright sculptural paintings hang freely from poles, with colours drifting like cumulus or cirrus clouds. Warm and cool fronts collide; eddies, water spouts and dust devils move through space. Mon–Fri 10.30–6, Sat 11–5, closed Sun/BHols tube Baker Street, Bond Street, Marble Arch t 020 7935 5315 MARYLEBONE