Galleries - October 2014

OCTOBER 2014 GALLERIES 27 MAP 12 ENGLAND BATH a ANTHONY HEPWORTH FINE ART DEALERS 16 Margarets Buildings, Brock Street, Bath BA1 2LP Dealers in Modern British and Contemporary Painting and Sculpture. Specialists in the work of Keith Vaughan 1912-1977. Exhibitingat The Decorative Antiques & Textiles Fair, Battersea, Sep 30–Oct 5. Gallery open Thur–Sat 11–5 during October, or by appt t 01225 310694 m 07970 480650 b BATH CONTEMPORARY 35 Gay Street, Bath BA1 2NT Towards Abstraction. Oct 10–Nov 1. Traversinglandscapes of abstraction, we reveal three elemental forces: The calmness of Boo Mallinson, the relentless creative energy of Justine Lois Thorpe and the boldness of Vanni Macchiagodena. t 01225 461230 c BEAUX ARTS BATH 12/13 York Street, Bath BA1 1NG Secret Lives. Oct 13–Nov 8. An exhibition which attempts to show how paintingand sculpture have a particular facility to shed light on hidden or not quite hidden aspects of lives beinglived. Also new bronze sculptures by Christopher Marvell plus new ceramics by Takeshi Yasuda . Mon–Sat 10–5, admn free Adjacent to Bath Abbey t 01225 464850 GE ORG E S T T H E C I R C U S C H U R C H S T S U T T O N M O N M O U T H S T R O A D GA Y S TR EE T G R E A T P U L T E N E B R I D G E S T WE S T G A T E S T J A M E S S T Y O R K ST W EST S T J U L I A N R O A D M I LS O M S TR E E T L A N D B R . B A L O N D O N R O W A L C O T S T L O N D O N S T N O R T H P A R A D E R O Y A L A V E N U E HENRIETTA PARK GREEN PK STATION a e g d h j i f c b d BONHAMS Queen Square House, Charlotte Street, Bath BA1 2LL t 01225 788988 e EDGAR MODERN Bartlett Street (off George Street) Bath BA1 2EE EM will be showingnew works from some of our most popular artists, including Carl Melegari, Jessica Cooper, Henrietta Dubrey, Mungo Powney, Paul Wright and more. At AAF Battersea, London, Oct 23–26. Mon–Sat 10–5, Fri & Sun 10–3 t 01225 443746 f GALLERY NINE 9B Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP g HILTON FINE ART 5 Margarets Buildings, Bath BA1 2LP Contact gallery for details of the October exhibitions. Tue–Sat 10–5.30 t 01225 311311 h NICK CUDWORTH GALLERY 5 London Street (top of Walcot Street), Bath BA1 5BU Monthly exhibitions of paintings and prints by Nick Cudworth reflectinghis interest in music and landscape, specialisingin paintings of Bath and surroundingarea. Nick paints in his studio to the rear of the gallery and is available to discuss his work with visitors. Tue–Sat 10–5 t 01225 445221 m 07968 047639 i QUERCUS GALLERY 1 Queen Street, Bath BA1 1HE Contemporary Prints. Oct 4–Nov 1. A mixed exhibition of prints by contemporary British artists includingMartine Baldwin, Christopher Binding, Sally James, Stef Mitchell, Sandra Porter and Gillian Thompson. Presentinga range of print techniques; from Martine Baldwin’s delicate reduction woodcuts to Gillian Thompson’s abstract etchings and Stef Mitchell’s experimental monoprints. Tue–Sat 10.30–5.30 t 01225 428211 j ROSTRA GALLERY 5 George Street, Bath BA1 2EJ from left Jane Joseph ‘Blackthorn Sloe’ drypoint, edition of 12 Campden Gallery (see listing on map 7) Hannah Woodman ‘Kestle Gardens Merging I’ 2014, graphite on board, 122 x 110cm Kestle Barton (see listing on map 9)