Galleries - August 2015

? ADVANCED GRAPHICS LONDON We are in the process ofrelocating during the summer of2015. Please visit website for information and updates. t 020 7407 2055 a BANKSIDE GALLERY 48 Hopton Street, London SE1 9JH b CGP LONDON Gallery by the Pool, Southwark Park, London SE16 2UA Canada Water station 5 min walk The 31st CGP London Annual Open. Aug 8–23. From an open submission; prize winner selected by Mark Titchner. Wed–Sun 11–5 t 020 7237 1230 c CGP LONDON Dilston Grove, southwest corner of Southwark Park London SE16 2DD Canada Water station 5 min walk Fri–Sun 11–5 t 020 7237 1230 d THE HAYWARD GALLERY Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London SE1 Carsten Höller: Decision. Until Sep 6. The artist’s largest survey show in the UK to date. The exhibition, which sprawls across Hayward Gallery and erupts beyond its roofand walls, explores perception and decision making. Mon 12–6 Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun 11–7 Thu, Fri 11–8 t 0844 875 0073 (please call for both information and tickets) e INIGO ROOMS Somerset House East Wing, King’s College London Strand, WC2R 2LS Out of Chaos: Ben Uri – 100 Years in London. Until Dec 13. Ben Uri Gallery & Museum celebrates its centenary year with this major exhibition highlighting its remarkable, and usually hidden, internationally-recognised art collection. see also Hampstead map Daily 12–6, until 8.30 Thu t 020 7604 3991 t @BenUriGallery f BenUriGallery f LLEWELLYN ALEXANDER GALLERY 124–126 The Cut, Waterloo, London SE1 8LN opposite The Old Vic Theatre Not the Royal Academy 2015: A Salon des Refuses. Until Aug 22. Now in its 25th year! Constantly changing exhibition of work submitted to the 2015 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. Oils, watercolours, drawings, acrylics – all works are for sale and may be taken at time ofpurchase. The Society of Feline Artists. 20th Annual London Exhibition. Aug 27–Sep 18. Cat fans and art collectors are already eagerly awaiting this unique show, which is the largest exhibition ofcat paintings in the country. Tue–Sat 10–7.30 t 020 7620 1322/24 SOUTHWARK PARK K E N N I N G T S O U T H W A R K B R I D G E E W R D E L O W E R R O A D J A M A I C A R O A D S O U T H W A R K P A R K R O A D F L E E T S T S T R A N D B I S H C A N N O N S T R E E T G A T E S T R E E T F E N C H U R C H S T T H B R I D G E K R D N S T E R W A T E R L O O B R I D G E R O A D B R I D G E B L A C K F R I A R S B R I D G E B R I D G E N E W K E N T L O N D O N T O W E R B R I D G E C O M M E R C I A L R O A D Canada Water London Bridge Rotherhithe Bermondsey Lambeth North Waterloo Cannon Street Surrey Quay Elephant&Castle Temple Borough WALKBRI. Southwark R A e g h k m c b f MAP 26 LONDON BANKSIDE & SOUTHWARK 50 GALLERIES AUGUST 2015 C KF R IARS B RI D G E WA TERLOO R O A D S O U T H W A R K S S T A M F O R D S T R E E T U P P E R G R O U N D HOPTON S T H O L L A N D S T a d j l i WA A Cathryn Shilling 'Cloaked in White – Hecuba' photo by Ester Segarra London Glassblowing Studio and Gallery (see listing on facing page)