Galleries - June 2015

38 GALLERIES JUNE 2015 T H E M A L L C O N S T I T U T I O N H I L L B I R D CA G E W ALK M O TCO M B S T S Q B E L G R A V E P I M L I C O R O A D R O Y A L H O S P I T A L R D B U C K I N G H A M P A L A C E R O A D L Y A L L S TRE E T E C CLE STO N S T E B U R Y S T B EL G R A VE R O A D L U P U S S T R E E T R E G E N C Y S T J O H N I S L I P S T E A TO N TCE P EL H A M S L O A N E A V E M I L N E R S T P O N T S T W A LT O N S TR EET R I N G T O N R D D R A Y C O T T A V E G R O S V E N O R P L V A U X H A L L B R I D G E R O A D M I L L B A N K K S LOANE S TREET C H E L S E A B R I D V I C T O R I A S T R E E T K E N S I N G T O N R O A D E X H I B I T I O N R O A D W E L L R O A D Q U E E N 'S G ATE F U L H A M R O A D B R O M P T O N R O A D D B R O M P T O N R D K I N G ' S R O A D HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BUCKINGHAM PALACE ST JAMES'S PARK a g f b e d c Victoria Sloane Square Pimlico Knightsbridge S.Kensington Westminster a CADOGAN CONTEMPORARY 87 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3LD Sargy Mann. Jun 9–Jul 4. *ad Two months after his death Cadogan Contemporary are honoured to present this exhibition of the final paintings by Sargy Mann. These final seven figurative works bursting with colour capture the essence of this extraordinary artist. Selection of Mann’s earlier paintings also on display. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–6, or by appt t 020 7581 5451 b CRANE KALMAN 178 Brompton Road, London SW3 1HQ Hans Hofmann. Jun 11–Jul 11. Masterpiece Art Fair, Stand C10. Jun 25–Jul 2. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat by appt t 020 7584 7566 c LONG & RYLE 4 John Islip St, London SW1P 4PX Jocelyn Clarke: Small Moon. Until Jun 12. Group Exhibition. Jun 25–Jul 24. Featuring selected works by the gallery’s established British and International artists –Nick Archer, Ramiro Fernandez Saus, Maro Gorky, John Monks, Brian Sayers, Katharine Morling, Paul Coldwell, Melanie Miller, Mark Entwisle, Su Blackwell, Jocelyn Clarke. Tue–Fri 10–5.30, Sat 11–2 t 020 7834 1434 d OSBORNE STUDIO GALLERY 2 Motcomb St, London SW1X 8JU Osborne Studio Gallery specialises in Contemporary Sporting, Landscape & Figurative Paintings & Bronzes. Hubert de Watrigant: Exhibition. Jun 15–Jul 10. The much anticipated exhibition of a world leader in racing and sporting art. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–5, Sun by appt t 020 7235 9667 e TATE BRITAIN Millbank, London SW1P 4RG Salt and Silver: Early Photography 1840–60. Until Jun 7. First British exhibition devoted to salted paper prints, invented by William Henry Fox Talbot in 1839. Christina Mackie. Until Oct 18. A new installation inspired by her interest in pigments and use of colour. Fighting History. Jun 9–Sept 13. Conflict, martyrdom and catastrophe in history painting from the 18th C. to present day. Barbara Hepworth: Sculpture for a Modern World. Jun 24–Oct 25. Major exhibition charting progress from early carvings to the large-scale bronzes of the 1960s. Highlights include four large MAP 21 LONDON KNIGHTSBRIDGE & BELGRAVIA sculptures in African hardwood in one room. Daily 10–6 t 020 7887 8888 f 12 STAR GALLERY Europe House, 32 Smith Square London SW1P 3EU Bashkim Izano: Homage to Edward Lear. Until Jun 19. An exhibition of paintings organised by the Embassy of Albania. Gust Graas: My Symphony of Colour. Jun 24–Jul 17. An exhibition of paintings organised by the Embassy of Luxembourg. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7973 1992 g VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty. Until Aug 2. The first retrospective in Europe of McQueen’s spectacular fashion designs. £16 & concs. All of This Belongs to You. Until Jul 19. Specially commissioned installations by James Bridle, Natalie Jeremijenko and Jorge Otero-Pailos among others. What is Luxury? Until Sep 27. V&A and Crafts Council exhibition showcasing exceptional design and craftsmanship. Captain Linnaeus Tripe: Photographer of India and Burma 1852–1860. Jun 24–Oct 11. Shoes: Pleasure and Pain. Jun 13–Jan 31. The transformative power of footwear over the last 2000 years. Men’s and women’s footwear from key designers and famous wearers. £12 & concs. Daily 10–5.45, & 10–10 every Fri general free admn, but separate charges may apply t 020 7942 2000 Bashkim Izano ‘A BlackCloud’ 12 Star Gallery (see listing on this page)