Galleries - March 2015

j STUDIO SIENKO GALLERY 57a Lant Street, SE1 1QN 100x70cm Poggiarello. Mar 3–29. Life watercolours by Olga Sienko on Fabriano Rosaspina & Tiepolo. One minute from Borough tube Mon–Fri 11–6.30, Sat 11–4.30 t 020 7403 1353 k TATE MODERN Bankside, SE1 9TG Conflict, Time, Photography. Until Mar 15. The relationship between photography and sites ofconflict over time. Richard Tuttle: I Don’t Know. The Weave ofTextile Language. Until Apr 6. Newly commissioned sculpture for the Turbine Hall with vast sways offabrics in brilliant colours. Marlene Dumas: The Image as Burden. Until May 10. This large-scale survey ofMarlene Dumas is the most significant exhibition of her work ever to be held in Europe. Sun–Thur 10–6, Fri–Sat 10–10 t 020 7887 8888 (advance tickets and information) l WHITE CUBE 144-152 Bermondsey Street, SE1 3TQ MARCH 2015 GALLERIES 43 watercolours and oils ofGreece, France and her beloved Cornwall. Jeremy Barloe ROI. Mar 17–Apr 15. One ofthis country’s most eminent landscape painters - over 50 new oils inspired by his recent visit to the Continent. Tue–Sat 10–7.30 t 020 7620 1322/24 g LONDON GLASSBLOWING STUDIO AND GALLERY 62-66 Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3UD Silent Auction. Mar 6–14. A fantastic opportunity to bid on rare and unique pieces from the Peter Layton archive. Mon–Sat 10–6 tube London Bridge t 020 7403 2800 h SKYLARK GALLERIES - Artist-Run 1.09 Oxo Tower Wharf (first floor riverside), London SE1 9PH Tue–Sun 11–6 t 020 7401 9666 5 Gabriel’s Wharf, SE1 9PP Daily Winter 12–5, Summer 11–6 t 020 7928 4005 Two friendly galleries on London’s South Bank present an exciting range ofcontemporary paintings, prints, ceramics, sculpture and photography. Admn free. i SOUTHBANK PRINTMAKERS Gabriel’s Wharf, (near the Oxo Tower) 56 Upper Ground, Londo n SE1 9PP Artist run Gallery; contemporary printmakers showing a wide variety ofimages and techniques. All work is original and limited edition. Examples of etching, lithography, silkscreen, linocuts, woodcuts and engraving. Mon–Fri 11.30–5, Sat/Sun 10–7 t 020 7928 8184 Gordon Rushmer ‘Corporal‘’Tommo’’ Thompson RM, CGC’ watercolour Guildford House Gallery (see listing on map 15) ofwhose art can be found here, along with a very personal imaginative fantasy which places examples ofAntique and Renaissance sculptural groups in places they never were, in the process paradoxically, making you look closer at the wonder of London as it is. NU vistas and panoramas of the riverscape in and around the Jubilee, Hungerford and Waterloo Bridges with their casual glimpse of The Shard et al so valuable, even as simple records of a moment in London’s expansionist history. They are, of course, very much more than that, evolving out of a tradition that goes back to Canaletto and Samuel Scott’s 18th Century views and right up to the photorealism of modern times. But Piddock has other passions and interests too, Stanley Spencer, Balthus and De Chirico among them, distinct traces of all