Galleries - May 2015

a ADVANCED GRAPHICS LONDON 32 Long Lane, London SE1 4AY opp Borough Tube Paul Benjamins: A Moment in Time. New monoprints. Until May 16. tubeBorough, rail London Bridge Tue–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 020 7407 2055 f 020 7407 2066 b ART BERMONDSEY 1st Floor, 183–185 Bermondsey Street, London SE1 3UW Fred Ingrams: Vanishing Lines. May 13–17. An exhibition of recent landscape paintings of the Fens by Fred Ingrams. These paintings capture the strange, awkward beauty of this unloved landscape, forcing us to look at it again. Daily 12–6 or by appt t 07768 890111 c BANKSIDE GALLERY 48 Hopton Street, London SE1 9JH t 020 7928 7521 d THE CELLO FACTORY 33–34 Cornwall Road, Southwark, London SE1 8TJ Bridge. Until May 9. A small group exhibition by eleven members of the established London Group, identifying in their work a permanent momentum to cross reference each other, including installation, painting, video and sculpture. Daily 2–6 t 020 7034 0699 e CGP LONDON CAFE GALLERY Centre of SouthwarkPk, Bermondsey, London SE16 2UA Bottom Natures. Until May 3. Politics of Amnesia ll. May 20–Jun 21. George Barber, Amanda Beech, David Cotterrell, Jesse Darling, John Gerrard , Gibson/Martelli, Matthew Noel-Tod, Derek Ogbourne, Nonny de la Pena. public transport to Canada Water station (5 min walk) Wed–Sun 11–5 t 020 7237 1230 f CGP LONDON DILSTON GROVE Southwest corner of SouthwarkPark, Bermondsey London SE16 2DD BetweenThought and Space. May 8–Jun 7. Miraj Ahmed, Isha Bohling, Kelly Chorpening, SOUTHWARK PARK K E N N I N G T S O U T H W A R K B R I D G E E W R D E L O W E R R O A D J A M A I C A R O A D S O U T H W A R K P A R K R O A D F L E E T S T S T R A N D B I S H C A N N O N S T R E E T G A T E S T R E E T F E N C H U R C H S T T H B R I D G E K R D N S T E R W A T E R L O O B R I D G E R O A D B R I D G E B L A C K F R I A R S B R I D G E B R I D G E N E W K E N T L O N D O N T O W E R B R I D G E C O M M E R C I A L R O A D Canada Water London Bridge Rotherhithe Bermondsey Lambeth North Waterloo Cannon Street Surrey Quay Elephant&Castle Temple Borough WALKBRI. Southwark W A a e h n j i b f d MAP 29 LONDON BANKSIDE & SOUTHWARK 50 GALLERIES MAY 2015 B L A C KF R IARS B RI D G E WA TERLOO R S O U T H W S T A M F O R D S T R E E T U P P E R G R O U N D HOPTON S T H O L L A N D S T g k c m l WALKBRI A Julie Held ‘Peter and Diana’ Born in London in 1958, Julie Held is an uncompromisingly truthful portraitist of expressionistic vibrancy – as much inspired by Titian as by Rembrandt, by Matisse as Modersohn-Becker. ‘Living Memories: A Life Living in Portraits’ ( Ivy House ) contains self-portraits of Held as a swimmer, gardener and bride – a slight, vulnerable yet still strong, celebratory figure; poignant portraits of her late mother Gisela (who passed away almost 40 years ago) imagined on significant birthdays; portraits of graceful gravitas of her father Peter; dynamically still depictions of family members such as her niece Ruby as both a chicly contemporary and timelessly tender contemplative figure. Julie Held is also at the Lovely Gallery this month, see map 17. Philip Vann THUMB nails