Galleries - May 2015

FRIDAY 15 18th Annual Summer Exhibition - Pilgrims Way Artists - 14 Garry Fabian Miller - Dovecot Studios - 2 Jon Buck - Pangolin London - 30 Nicola Dennis, Eddie Burrows, Vicky Stride - Town Mill - 10 OPEN 2015 - Leamington Spa - 12 Exhibition submission closes - Grant Bradley - 56 SATURDAY 16 Ivor Richards - Moma Wales - 5 Limited Edition - Gallery Ten - 2 Michael Fling - North House - 15 Ruth Bunnewell, Louise Holgate - Highgate Cont. - 18 Shona Barr - Bohun - 16 Young Wales/Cymru Ifanc 2015 Exhibition - Royal Cambrian Academy/Academi Frenhinol Cymreig - 5 SUNDAY 17 Alex Williams - Fosse - 13 Patagonia 150 - Oriel Plas Glyn-Y-Weddw - 5 MONDAY 18 Brent Millar - Open Eye - 2 Catharine Davison - Open Eye - 2 John Illsley - Belgravia - 24 Julie Held - Ivy House - 18 The Society ofPortrait Sculptors - La Galleria Pall Mall - 28 TUESDAY 19 Carey Mortimer - Thackeray - 19 Martin Fidler - Hastings Arts Forum - 14 Nikki Stevens - Cricket - 21 WEDNESDAY 20 Jeremy Leigh - Abbey Walk - 4 John Keane - Flowers (Cork Street) - 25 Justine Formentelli - Plein Air Contemporary - 21 Mila Furstova - Gallery In The Garden - 15 Monika Veriopoulos, Alexandra Buhler - Piers Feetham - 21 Nick Rena - Browse & Darby - 25 Politics ofAmnesia ll - CGP London Cafe - 29 THURSDAY 21 Elisabeth Frink - Beaux Arts (London) - 24 Environment Absorbed - Oil & Water Contemporary - 17 Illumination - Urbane - 2 Julie Held, Peter Clossick - Lovely - 17 MAY 2015 GALLERIES 9 May 15 NEW SHOWS DIARY FRIDAY 22 Art Society - Town Mill - 10 Halima Cassell - Art 18/21 - 15 Hannah Whitaker, Ruth van Beek, Julie Cockburn - Flowers (Kingsland Road) - 30 Henry Moore - Osborne Samuel - 24 John Keane - Flowers (Kingsland Road) - 30 Rodin, Brancusi, Moore - Waddington Custot - 25 SATURDAY 23 Bo Hilton, Ken Howard, Martin Yeoman, Arthur Neal, Paul Wadsworth - Hilton - 9 Derya Erdem, Emma Williams, Hilary Mayo - New Craftsman St Ives - 8 Drop Me A Line - Part 11 - Thelma Hulbert - 10 Jo Whitney - Cornwall Open Studios - 6 Lee Miller And Picasso - Scottish National Portrait - 2 Margaret Lovell - Porthminster - 8 Spirit ofPurbeck - Gallery At 41 - 10 Summer Open Studios 2015 - East Neuk Open Studios - 1 Testing Tropes - Kestle Barton - 6 Wylye Valley Art Trail - Wylye Valley Art Trail 2015 - 10 SUNDAY 24 Geoffrey Lefever - Hughson - 3 Wynne Jenkins, Moya Davern, Stephen John Owen - Ffin Y Parc - 5 MONDAY 25 Cleveland College ofArt & Design - Début Art & The Coningsby - 22 Penwith Society ofArts - Penwith - 8 Peter Haslam Fox, Fenella Elms,, Sun Kim,, John Behan - Beaux Arts Bath - 9 WEDNESDAY 27 Jankel Adler - Sylvester - 18 Ken Spooner - Cornwall Contemporary - 7 THURSDAY 28 Homage to Edward Lear - 12 Star - 20 National Art Exhibition - Ellesmere Art Exhibition 2015 - 12 FRIDAY 29 Eileen Cooper - Royal Academy of Arts - 25 Exhibition submission closes - Piano Nobile - 56 SATURDAY 30 Bangor University - Ucheldre Centre - 5 Saturday 23rd - Sunday 31st May 75 Venues/300 Artists in South & West Wiltshire Image: Richard Howell, Venue 21 Painting Ceramics Textiles Sculpture Printmaking Gilding Digital Art Jewellery Photography Wood Illustration Furniture Metalwork Glass Drawing Installation Mixed Media Artists’ Books Exhibitions Open Studios Galleries Workshops