Galleries - February 2016

a THE CLUB CAFE ROYAL 68 Regent Street, London W1B 4DY Geronimo aka Jumping Bull. Until Feb 6. Renowned visual artist Geronimo aka Jumping Bull is one ofthe foremost rock artists ofhis generation. Geronimo is best known for his work with, and influenced, by The Rolling Stones. Mon–Sat 8–6 b LA GALLERIA PALL MALL 5b Pall Mall, 30 Royal Opera Arcade, London SW1Y 4UY t 020 7930 8069 K I N G ST HA L L S T C O CK SP U R S T N O RTH UMBER LA N D A VE . OL D COMP TO N B EA K S T R EG E N T J E R MYN STREET CARLTON HSE. TER. H A Y M A R K E T W HI T E HA L L THE MA L L P A L L M A L L B E D F O R D S T FL O R A L S T S A I N T M A R T I N 'S LA N E S H EL TO N BOW S TRE D EET E E T L EX I NGT O N S T C H A R I N G C R O S S R O A D B REWER ST L O N G A C R E E T S H A F T E S B U R Y A V E S T R A N D S P I C C A D I L L Y V I C T O R I A E M B A N K M S T Covent Garde ccadilly Circus Leicester Square Charing Cross Embank Trafalgar Square d a b c e MAP 27 LONDON TRAFALGAR SQUARE FEBRUARY 2016 GALLERIES 41 c MALL GALLERIES The Mall (nr Trafalgar Square), London SW1 The Columbia Threadneedle Prize 2016: Figurative Art Today. Feb 3–20. Showcasing the very best in new figurative and representational art. The winner receives £20,000 plus a solo exhibition at Mall Galleries. The Visitors’ Choice Award, voted by visitors to the exhibition in London, is £10,000. daily 10–5, until 1 on last day t 020 7930 6844 t @mallgalleries f mallgalleries d THE NATIONAL GALLERY Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN Delacroix and the Rise of Modern Art. Feb 17–May 22. Eugène Delacroix transformed French painting and profoundly influenced generations of artists. Featuring works by Cézanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Matisse and Kandinsky. Visions of Paradise: Botticini’s Palmieri Altarpiece. Until Feb 14. Francesco Botticini’s Assumption ofthe Virgin has bewildered scholars for centuries. This free exhibition showcases new research about its authorship, date, original location, and iconography. daily 10–6, Fri until 9 t 0800 912 6958 t @NationalGallery f NationalGallery e PANTER & HALL 11–12 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5LU Scottish Show 2016. Until Feb 19. Our 17th annual Scottish Show dedicated to showcasing works by a selection of Scotland’s greatest modern and contemporary painters. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–2 t 020 7399 9999 qeb jfiifkbov=tlohp= iqa URLUT plrqed^qb=ol^aI=fpifkdqlk ilkalk kN Pgp qbiW MOM TPRV OMNV c^uW=MOM=TPRV=RTVO bã~áäW ~êí]ãáääáåÉêóïçêâëKÅçKìâ ïïïKãáääáåÉêóïçêâëKÅçKìâ kbt=ql=rp= ^å=ÉñÜáÄáíáçå=çÑ=NP=Éëí~ÄäáëÜÉÇ=~êíáëíë=ïÜç=Ü~îÉ=åçí=ÉñÜáÄáíÉÇ=ïáíÜ=ìë=ÄÉÑçêÉK PN g~åì~êó=íç=OU=cÉÄêì~êó=OMNS `êáëíá~å~=^åÖÉäáåá `ìáääáå=_~åíçÅâ aÉåáë `ìêêó g~åÉ cáÉäÇÉê j~êÅ=dççÇÉêÜ~ã bäáò~ÄÉíÜ e~áåÉë bÇ häìò ^åÇêÉï=j~Å~ê~ j~êá~ååÉ cçñJlÅâáåÖ~ qÉêêó=pÅ~äÉë oáÅÜ~êÇ=pä~íÉê h~íÉ píÉï~êí dÉçÑÑ=vÉçã~åë