Galleries - June 2016

JUNE 2016 GALLERIES 45 heavy breathing and distorted foreign speech over a nightmarish dreamscape. The contrast between an appealing image and a narrative of unease makes the audience twitch uncomfortably. The captivating nature of the two pieces contrasts with their implied calls to arms, furthering the sense of disquiet and bringing their criticisms of apathy in the face of breakdown closer to home. Frances Allitt Discomfort is one of the chief tools available to those encouraging ecological awareness, including the artists whose works call attention to environmental meltdown. At the Jerwood/FVU Awards 2016 exhibition ‘Borrowed Time’ (CCA Glasgow until 10 July) two moving image works by the winners warn viewers of environmental collapse. While both Karen Kramer and Alice May Williams strive to disquiet their audiences, they use surprising methods to create an uncomfortable atmosphere. Though both claim degrees in visual arts, in their pieces at CCA each employs sound rather than image to make messages filled with anxiety, confusion and regret. For example, scenes of construction at Battersea in Williams’ ‘Dream City – More, Better, Sooner’ are beautiful, clear and well composed shots. She splits together images of London’s past and present in what could be a tribute to the city’s growth were it not overlaid with a dreamy, distressed recitation of the pile-up of garbage. Kramer’s ‘The Eye That Articulates Belongs On Land’ uses audio even more alarmingly, setting scratched microphones, CODA Karen Kramer still from ‘The Eye That Articulates Belongs On Land’ qeb=jfiifkbov=tlohp=iqa ^oqp=C=`o^cqp=~í léÉå=qìÉ=íç=p~í=NN~ã=íç=Séã pìå NO íç Réã URLUT=plrqed^qb=ol^a fpifkdqlkI=ilkalk=kN=Pgp qbiW=MOM=TPRV=OMNV bã~áäW=~êí]ãáääáåÉêóïçêâëKÅçKìâ ïïïKãáääáåÉêóïçêâëKÅçKìâ Open Tue to Sat 11am to 6pm Sun 12 to 5pm