OCTOBER 2017 GALLERIES 15 William Selwyn, Keith Bowen, Bert Isaac, David Jones, amongst others. *ad t 01766 522530 g ORIEL PLAS GLYN-Y-WEDDW Llanbedrog, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 7TT Exhibiting Gillian Ayres and also North and South Wales Potters. Oct 15–Dec 24. Also affordable art by gallery artists. daily 10–5, clo Tue t 01758 740763 t @plasglyn f orielplasglynyweddw PEMBROKESHIRE h HARBOUR LIGHTS GALLERY Porthgain, nr St Davids, Pemb SA62 5BL Specialises in exhibiting a wide selection of Original paintings, Limited Edition Prints, and Sculpture from Wales leading artists. The Arts Council of Wales Collectorplan interest free payment scheme is now available at Harbour Lights Gallery. Full details on our website. t 01348 831549 MONMOUTHSHIRE i THE ART SHOP & CHAPEL 8 Cross Street, Abergavenny, Mons NP7 5EH Cornelia O’Donovan: Dream Paintings. Paintings and works on paper. Until Oct 14. *ad “I see colours everywhere and take them to the studio with me. They are fragments snatched from dreams and I am collecting them and ironing out the tangles and hoarding and obsessing.” Arts Council of Wales Collectorplan available. Tue–Sat 9.15–5, free admn t 01873852690 t @TheArtShopWales f Theartshopandchapel j IAP FINE ART 15 Church Street, Monmouth, Mons NP25 5DZ Chris Gollon: Man in the Long Black Coat. Until Oct 28. *ad Following Chris Gollon’s unexpected death in April, this themed exhibition shows paintings partially inspired by song titles or lyrics by Bob Dylan, Neil Young and more latterly Eleanor McEvoy. Thu–Fri 11–5, Sat 11–4 & by appt t 01600 772005 t @IAPFineArt f IAPFineArt POWYS k MOMA MACHYNLLETH Y Tabernacl, Heol Penrallt, Machynlleth, Powys SY20 8AJ NeilCanning: Origin. Until Nov 25. Suzie Larke: In The Mind’s Eye. Until Oct 14. Tim Iliffe: In Our Minds There Are Many Rooms. Until Nov 18. Nicky Arscott: Llanbrynmair Soft Mutations. Until Dec 2. Mon-Sat 10-4 t 01654 703355 Peter Prendercast ‘Damp Evening, Nant Ffrancon Valley’ Martin Tinney Gallery (see listing on map 1 and feature on page 11)