Galleries - April 2018

h THE GALLERY AT HASTINGS ARTS FORUM 36 Marina, St Leonards on Sea, E Sussex TN38 0BU Anthony Pyke: Remembering The Moments. Apr 3–15. Celebrating the work and life of artist Anthony Pyke, large scale paintings inspired by the coast. Volunteers’ Show. Apr 17–29. HAF volunteers exhibit their work; a variety of work in a range of mediums. Tue–Sun 11–5 t 01424 201636 KENT i LILFORD GALLERY 3 Palace Street, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2DY Mon–Sat 9.30–5, Sun 11–4 t 01227 639086 LILFORD FRAMING 76 Castle Street, Canterbury CT1 2QD Mon–Sat 9.30–5 t 01227 766616 j LINDEN HALL STUDIO 32 St George’s Road, Deal, Kent CT14 6BA Julia Hamilton and Caroline Yates: Tableaux. Apr 8–29. An exhibition of paintings by Julia Hamilton and Caroline Yates. Tue–Sat 10–4, Sun 11–2 or by appt t 01304 360411 I linden–hall–studio t @Studio–Linden f Linden-Hall-Studio APRIL 2018 GALLERIES 27 WEST SUSSEX e PALLANT HOUSE GALLERY 9 North Pallant, Chichester, W Sussex PO19 1TJ Leonard Rosoman: Painting Theatre. Until Apr 29. POP! Art in a Changing Britain. Until May 7. Drawn from the Gallery’s significant collection of British Pop Art, this exhibition explores how artists such as Peter Blake and Richard Hamilton responded to rapid social change. Tue–Sat 10–5, Thu 10–8, Sun/BHols 11–5 t 01243 774557 I pallanthousegallery t @pallantgallery f pallantgallery EAST SUSSEX f ARTICHOKE GALLERY Church Street, Ticehurst, E Sussex TN5 7AE Beneath the Canopy. Until Jun 30. An enduring fascination for trees and the wildlife they support. Tue–Sat 9.30–4.30 t 01580 200905 I artichokegallery t @ArtichokeGlry f ArtichokeGallery g CAMERON CONTEMPORARY ART 1 Victoria Grove, 2nd Avenue, Brighton and Hove Sussex BN3 2LJ Claire Beattie: Umbra. Solo show. Until Apr 8. Rich and atmospheric new work celebrating the timeless motif of the tree in the landscape. Festival2018. On Apr 21. A mixed show of predominately Sussex artists and makers, co-inciding with the Brighton Festival. Fresh Art Fair Cheltenham Racecourse. Stand 36. Apr 27–29. See this month’s art fair feature. Mon–Sat 10.30–5, Sun & BHols 12–5 t 01273 727234 I cameroncontemporary t @cameronart10 M odigliani ed. by Nancy Ireson & Simonetta Fraquelli, Tate Publishing, £35 & £25 This beautifully illustrated survey of Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) contains eight illuminating essays, exploring his great achievement of making pristine sculptures, at once archaic and avant-garde, in just over two years; his perspicacious portraiture of Max Jacob, Cocteau, Gris, Soutine and Rivera; the ‘creative osmosis’ of his art and love of poetry; his fruitful relationship with dealers Guillaume and Zborowski; the social predicament of the ‘modern women’ whose nude portraits he painted with exquisite originality; the lure of early modernist Paris; his wonderfully fertile late period in the South of France, when he painted his lover Jeanne Hébuterne in some of the most subtly penetrating, delicately assured portraits in modern art. (At Tate Modern until 2 April). Philip Vann