Galleries - July 2018

JULY 2018 GALLERIES 19 PEMBROKESHIRE f HARBOUR LIGHTS GALLERY Porthgain, nr St Davids, Pembs SA62 5BL Clive Gould: Featured artist exhibition. Jul 2–28. The gallery exhibits a wide selection oforiginal paintings, limited edition prints and sculpture from Wales’ leading artists. Mon–Sat t 01348 831549 I harbourlightsgallery g THE LATE NOVEMBER GALLERY On the Quay, Haverfordwest, Pembs SA1 1BA Printmakers Inc: Spirit ofPlace. Jul 6–Aug 11. *ad 14 print artists from Printmakers Inc and Gallery Printers Masters are filling the space over two floors and four rooms with exciting imagery. Opening talk with renowned artist printmaker Ross Loveday, Jul 6 at 6. Arts Council ofWales 0% collector plan available. Wed–Sat 11–2 & by appt t 07786 213790 / 07583 383396 h ORIEL Y PARC GALLERY St Davids, Pembs, SA62 6NW William Stott, Le Passeur (The Ferryman): Reflections on a landscape. Until Sep 2. A masterpiece ofBritish Impressionism, shown with paintings from the collection ofAC-NMW.Part ofa tour of four UK galleries partnered with Tate, funding from National Lottery players through the Heritage Lottery Fund, John Ellerman Foundation and Art Fund. t 01437 720392 MONMOUTHSHIRE i ABERGAVENNY CASTLE Castle Street, Abergavenny, Mons NP7 5EE A Creative Pool: The Diversity ofSculpture in Wales. Until Jul 15. Artists exhibiting are Ben Dearnley, Harvey Hood, Helga Prosser, Helen Sinclair, Glen Morris, Perryn Butler, Ben Jones, Wendy Earle, Robert Harding and Dilys Jackson. daily 10–5 t 07850 721510 ABERGAVENNY MUSEUM Rosemary Clunie: The Magic Lamp – Dreams ofour Age. Until Sep 2. To celebrate the recently published book, an exhibition ofartworks by Rosemary Clunie, plus prints made in collaboration with Ben Okri. *ad Mon–Sun 11–4 t 01873854282 i THE ART SHOP & CHAPEL 8 Cross Street, Abergavenny, Mons NP7 5EH Hedgerows & Gardens: Summer Show. Until Aug 18. A garden can be many things. Rising stars Lily Irwin, Agnes Treherne and Maude Smith join Andrea McLean, Cornelia O’Donovan, Jane Bennett and George Rowlett to explore the joys and hidden secrets ofgardens and hedgerows in this magical show. Arts Council ofWales Collectorplan available. Tue–Sat 9.15–5, free admn t 01873852690 I theartshopandchapel t @TheArtShopWales f Theartshopandchapel POWYS j MOMA MACHYNLLETH Y Tabernacl, Heol Penrallt, Machynlleth, Powys SY20 8AJ Deirdre McKenna: Oileain / Ynysoedd. Until Aug 4. Lisa Eurgain Taylor: Beyond the World. Until Aug 4. Tabernacle Art Competition. Jul 7–Aug 30. Petals and Claws. Jul 7–Aug 4. Mon-Sat 10-4 t 01654 703355 k OLD SCHOOL HOUSE GALLERY Bleddfa Centre, Knighton, Powys LD7 1PA Sculpture Cymru: Welsh sculptors at work. Jul 6–Aug 19. Sculpture is often seen as the completed work. The working lives ofthe sculptors is at the heart ofthis exhibition, of process and engagement with materials. Works are for sale. Fri–Sun 11–5 t 01547 550377 I bleddfacentre CEREDIGION l THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES, GREGYNOG GALLERY Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 3BU Kyffin Williams: Behind the Frame. Until Sep 1. Commemorating the 100th anniversary ofthe birth ofone ofthe defining Welsh artists ofthe 20th century, drawing upon the extensive and distinctive collection ofpaintings and archives in the Library. Mon–Fri 9–6, Sat 9.30–5 t 01970 632800 " + ' #" # *#% & %#! ' & % "' , $( & ## " ! % ) "",!(& (! # (