Galleries - July 2018

d NORTH HOUSE GALLERY The Walls, Manningtree, Essex CO11 1AS Estuary. Until Aug 25. Mixed exhibition of work by gallery and invited artists celebrating the estuary of the River Stour. Sat or by appt t 01206 392717 t @NorthHouseGal SUFFOLK e SEA PICTURES GALLERY Well House, Well Lane, Clare Suffolk CO10 8NH Up River: Summer Exhibition. Through Jul. Includes new work from Kate Schuricht, David Parfitt RI, Alistair Butt RSMA, Brin Edwards SWLA, Michelle Holmes plus new artists. Part of the River Stour Festival with a special event of poetry and music on Jul 21. Mon, Thu–Sat 10–5, Sun 11.30–3.30 t 01787 279024 I seapicturesgallery t @seapictures f Sea Pictures Gallery 26 GALLERIES JULY 2018 MAP 14 ENGLAND EAST ANGLIA RUTLAND a GOLDMARK GALLERY 14 Orange Street, Uppingham, Rutland LE15 9SQ 20th C. and Contemporary Art. *ad Warren MacKenzie and Randy Johnston. Jul 1–29. Two great American potters. Mon–Sat 9.30–5.30, Sun pm & Bhols t 01572 821424 b WOODBINE CONTEMPORARY ARTS 7 Orange Street, Uppingham, Rutland LE15 9SQ Gallery Artists. Jul 6–7. Gallery Artists. Jul 27–28. Featuring work by Garry Hobbs, Herve Lenouvel, Juliet Holton, Jeanne Champion and Julie Needham. Gallery closed Jul 13–14, 20–21. Fri–Sat 11–5 or please contact to A 4 3 A 5 A 5 A 3 4 A 4 1 A 1 7 A 1 4 8 A 1 4 9 A 1 4 0 A 1 2 A 1 4 A 4 7 A 1 0 A 1 1 A 5 2 A 1 A 1 4 1 A 5 2 A 4 2 0 A 4 2 9 A 5 2 M 1 A 1 M M 1 1 A 1 M M 4 M 4 0 M 4 2 M 6 Norfolk geshire mbrid Ca Lincolnshire Essex Her shire tford Buckingh mshire a ire onsh Northampt Suffolk Bedfordshire LONDON BRENTWOOD SOUTHEND-ON-SEA LEIGH-ON-SEA CHELMSFORD FELIXSTOWE WOODBRIDGE SNAPE ALDEBURGH YOXFORD DISS SOUTHWOLD LOWESTOFT GREATBRAXTED GREAT YARMOUTH WROXHAM FAKENHAM NORTH WALSHAM CROMER BURNHAM MARKET KINGSLYNN SWAFFHAM SPALDING STIVES NEWMARKET THETFORD BURYST.EDMUNDS SAFFRON WALDON LONG MELFORD SUDBURY MILTONKEYNES STEVENAGE LUTON STANSTED WATFORD WISBECH DOWNHAM MARKET KETTERING WARE MANNINGTREE UPPINGHAM HOLT SWINDON AYLESBURY NORTHAMPTON OAKHAM WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA HALSTEAD TOWCESTER ELY BEDFORD HERTFORD HARLESTON BROCKDISH AYLSHAM MOULTON SLEAFORD CLARE WYMONDHAM IPSWICH COLCHESTER COVENTRY OXFORD LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM PETERBOROUGH CAMBRIDGE NORWICH e d c CHAPPEL arrange an appt t 07980 167404 yorath@woodbinecontemporaryarts. www.woodbinecontemporaryarts. ESSEX c THE FRY ART GALLERY 19a Castle Street, Saffron Walden, Essex CB10 1BD Edward Bawden: At Home – A Working Life. Until Oct 28. Almost 300 items, including watercolours, prints, designs, scrapbooks, book covers and studio artefacts. From the Fry collection, public and private loans. Tue, Thu, Fri, Sun & Bkhols 2–5 Sat 11–5 t 01799 513779 t @FryArtGallery f TheFryArtGallery A 6 0 O R A N G E O R T H S T W E S T S P R I N G B H I G H S T W N O R T H S T E A S T S T R E E T H I G H S T S T A B a b UPPINGHAM Withbooks like professional forester Peter Wohlleben's 'The Hidden Life of Trees' confirming that trees are indeed sentient beings and take care of their young (among other things), tree huggers and their ilk suddenly seem not quite so way out. It gives a particular edge for example, to the large loose knit collective of artists called The Arborealists, first formed by Tim Craven for a show at Lymington’s St Barbe Museum in the New Forest in 2014, and going from strengthto strength since, witha recent show at Bermondsey’s funky Project Space. Now a sizeable group of them are exhibiting at the J ohn Davies Gallery their non- denominational mix of the Romantic and figurative mainstream with a more contemporary, even occasionally abstract approach, constantly keeping the eye on the alert. NU THUMB nail Jacqueline Wedlake Hatton ‘Hidden’