Galleries - July 2018

a 54 THE GALLERY 54 Shepherd Market, London W1J 7QX A Quality of Light. Jul 17–22. *ad Martin Fidler, Robin Holtom, Maria O’Neill, Joan Roche, Charlotte Snook, Michael Wilson. Six painters met in Tuscany last summer at Verrocchio Art Centre. This exhibition evokes memories of glorious saturated light and a magical landscape. Tue–Sat 11–8, Sun 11–3 t 020 7491 7322 b ANNELY JUDA FINE ART 23 Dering Street, London W1S 1AW David Nash: Wood, Metal, Pigment. Until Jul 7. David Hockney: iPhone and iPad drawings, 2009–2012. Jul 16–Aug 31. Newly editioned limited series of iPad and iPhone prints by David Hockney, exploring day to day surroundings and experiences through modern technology. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–5 t 020 7629 7578 I annelyjuda t @Annely–Juda f AnnelyJuda 34 GALLERIES JULY 2018 MAP 20 LONDON MAYFAIR C A R N A B Y S T R E E T S . M O L TON S T B IN N E Y ST DER I N G S T W H I T E H OR S E B O LTON S T H AL F M OO N CL IF F O R D ST BRU T O N PL B O U R D O N S T A V E R Y R O W M A R S H A S T G E O R GE S T C AR LOS P L S A C K K I N GLY ST R EE T B U R L I N G T O N G D N S BRO O K'S M S WEI GH H O U S EST B E R K E L E Y S T R E E T D O V E R S T R E E T A L B E M A R L E S T R E E T D A V I E S S T R E E T D U K E ST R EE T BROOK S T RE E T C H AR LES ST H S T R EET H I L L S T REE T S. A U DLE Y ST C U R Z O N S T R E E T S A V IL E R O W M O U N T S T R E E T B R U T O N S T S Q U A R E B E R K E L E Y M A D D O X S T G T M A R L B O R B G R O S V E N O R S T R E E T SQUA R E V E N O R S Q U A R E H A N O V E R C O N D U I T S T R E E T N E W / N E W B O N D S T R E E T C A D I L L Y R E G E N T S T R E E T S T R E E T OL D B O N D S T C O R K S T ST J AM E S' S S T e r f c j l d b i q p h k o a n g m Bond Street c BEAUX ARTS LONDON 48 Maddox Street, London W1S 1AY Shades of Summer. Until Sep 1. Selected Modern British and new international Contemporary artists. Mon–Sat 11–6 t 020 74931155 I beauxartsgallery d BONHAMS 101 New Bond Street, London W1S 1SR Auctions and viewing held daily of paintings, watercolours and prints, English, European, Oriental ceramics, etc. Free verbal valuations given. Mon–Fri 8.30–5, Sun (viewing only) 2–5 t 020 7629 6602 e BROWSE & DARBY 19 Cork Street, London W1S 3LP British & French Paintings, Drawings, Prints & Sculpture. Until Jul 13. Including ceramics by William Plumptre. Contemporary Gallery Artists. Jul 18–Sep 6. Mon–Fri 10–5.30, Sat during exhibitions 11–2 t 020 7734 7984 I browseanddarby t @BrowseandDarby f ESKENAZI 10 Clifford Street, London W1S 2LJ t 020 74935464 g FLOWERS GALLERY 21 Cork Street, London W1S 3LZ Artist of the Day 2018. Until Jul 6. Patrick Hughes: A Newer Perspective. Jul 12–Sep 1. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7439 7766 I flowersgallery t @flowersgallery h HAMILTONS GALLERY 13 Carlos Place, London W1K 2EU Daido Moriyama: Scene. Until Aug 17. Mon–Fri 10–6 t 020 7499 9494 I hamiltonsgallery t @HamiltonsGall f Hamiltons Gallery i HANINA FINE ARTS 21 Woodstock Street, London W1C 2AP Artists & Poets. Until Aug 18. Exploring European artists’ relationships with poets during the mid–20th century. Including Beaudin, Borés, Bryen, Chevolleau, Deyrolle, Gischia, Survage, Thiriot, Venard. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 72438877 j JEROME ZODO GALLERY 1 Hay Hill, London W1J 6AS Group Show. Through Jul. Jerome Zodo Gallery is proud to announce its Group Show. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7629 8154 ‘Frida, Blue Dress’ © Nickolas Muray Photo Archives Victoria and Albert Museum (see listing on map 19)