Galleries - May 2018

d NORTH HOUSE GALLERY The Walls, Manningtree, Essex CO11 1AS Ali Morgan: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Until May 19. Forty tree drawings. Oliver Soskice: Paintings. May 26–Jun 23. Abstract still life and landscape paintings in praise of English daylight. Sator by apptt01206 392717 t @NorthHouseGal SUFFOLK e SEA PICTURES GALLERY Well House, Well Lane, Clare Suffolk CO10 8NH Printworks IX. Until Jun 11. A didactic exhibition on the art of the printmaker with books, blocks, tools and prints from leading contemporary printmakers. Artists include Linda Richardson, Linda Farquharson, Richard Allen, Andy English SWE. Mon, Thu–Sat10–5, Sun 11.30–3.30 t01787 279024 I seapicturesgallery t @seapictures f Sea Pictures Gallery 24 GALLERIES MAY 2018 MAP 14 ENGLAND EAST ANGLIA RUTLAND a GOLDMARK GALLERY 14Orange Street, Uppingham Rutland LE15 9SQ John Piper. May 6–27. *ad 60 previously unseen Piper originals from a 1971 sketchbook. Mon–Sat9.30–5.30, Sun pm & Bhols t01572 821424 b WOODBINE CONTEMPORARY ARTS 7 Orange Street, Uppingham, Rutland LE15 9SQ Gallery Artists. May 5–26. Affordable Art Fair Hampstead. Stand B7. May 10–13. Exhibiting artists include Ceri Auckland-Davies, Jeanne Champion, Patrizia Casagrande, Charles Harrison, Latifa Khalfaoui, Herve Lenouvel, Julie Needham. The A 4 3 A 5 A 5 A 3 4 A 4 1 A 1 7 A 1 4 8 A 1 4 9 A 1 4 0 A 1 2 A 1 4 A 4 7 A 1 0 A 1 1 A 5 2 A 1 A 1 4 1 A 5 2 A 4 2 0 A 4 2 9 A 5 2 M 1 A 1 M M 1 1 A 1 M M 4 M 4 0 M 4 2 M 6 Norfolk geshire mbrid Ca Lincolnshire Essex Her shire tford Buckingh mshire a ire onsh Northampt Suffolk Bedfordshire LONDON BRENTWOOD SOUTHEND-ON-SEA LEIGH-ON-SEA CHELMSFORD FELIXSTOWE WOODBRIDGE SNAPE ALDEBURGH YOXFORD DISS SOUTHWOLD LOWESTOFT GREATBRAXTED GREAT YARMOUTH WROXHAM FAKENHAM NORTH WALSHAM CROMER BURNHAM MARKET KINGSLYNN SWAFFHAM SPALDING STIVES NEWMARKET THETFORD BURYST.EDMUNDS SAFFRON WALDON LONG MELFORD SUDBURY MILTONKEYNES STEVENAGE LUTON STANSTED WATFORD WISBECH DOWNHAM MARKET KETTERING WARE MANNINGTREE UPPINGHAM HOLT SWINDON AYLESBURY NORTHAMPTON OAKHAM WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA HALSTEAD TOWCESTER ELY BEDFORD HERTFORD HARLESTON BROCKDISH AYLSHAM MOULTON SLEAFORD CLARE WYMONDHAM IPSWICH COLCHESTER COVENTRY OXFORD LEICESTER NOTTINGHAM PETERBOROUGH CAMBRIDGE NORWICH e d c CHAPPEL Gallery is closed May 11–12. Fri/Sat11–5 & by apptt07980 167404 yorath@woodbinecontemporaryarts. www.woodbinecontemporaryarts. ESSEX c THE FRY ART GALLERY 19a Castle Street, Saffron Walden, Essex CB10 1BD Edward Bawden: At Home – A Working Life. Until Oct 28. Almost 300 items, including watercolours, prints, designs, scrapbooks, book covers and studio artefacts. From the Fry collection, public and private loans. Tue, Thu, Fri, Sun & Bkhols 2–5, Sat11–5 t01799 513779 t @FryArtGallery f TheFryArtGallery A 6 0 O R A N G E O R T H S T W E S T S P R I N G B H I G H S T W N O R T H S T E A S T S T R E E T H I G H S T S T A B a b UPPINGHAM A key figure in celebrated experimental jazz musician Mike Westbrook's band since 1974, Kate Westbrook in fact trained as a painter at Corhsam and Reading and, despite the music, has never stopped painting. Just how good and how serious she is about it can be seen in her latest show, ‘Diana and Actaeon’, curated by Deborah Wood, at the T own Mills Galleries in Lyme Regis. Inspired by the sight of Gainsborough’s vivid gouache of the subject, she has pursued Ovid’s archetypal story of death and transformation ever since. Set in ancient woodland at Coombe Farm in northern Dartmoor, Westbrook’s oils, gouache and charcoal studies have a density of texture – colour and line richly layered and interwoven – which, together with the vitality of her mark making, breathes intensely contemporary life into this ancient and terrible story. N U THUMB nail Kate Westbrook ‘Dartmoor Tarn’ Anupa Gardner ‘Withered Wall’ Doubtfire Gallery (see listing on map 3)