Galleries - October 2018

OCTOBER 2018 GALLERIES 17 h GALLERY TEN 5 William Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NG Annica Sandström and David Kaplan. Lindean Mill Glass 40. Oct 5–Nov 10. The glass works ofAnnica Sandström and David Kaplan (1978–2018) including archive works from the 1980s and 90s, continuing production work and brand new works. Tue–Sat 10.30–5.30 t @TENedinburgh f gallerytenedinburgh i OPEN EYE GALLERY 34 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh EH3 6QE Anna King: Margins. Until Oct 8. Tom Mabon: Time and Place. Until Oct 8. Alfons Bytautas RSA: Otherworld. Until Oct 6. Henry Kondracki RSA: Water, Light and Air. New paintings. Oct 12–29. David Martin: Shifting Patterns. Oct 12–29. Lynne Windsor: New work. Oct 12–27. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 0131 557 1020 I openeyegallerye t @openeyegallerye j THE SCOTTISH GALLERY 16 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6HZ Calum McClure: In these Places. Oct 3–27. Ed Kluz and Vicki Ambery Smith. Place Makers. Oct 3–27. Edmond Byrne: Ensemble. Oct 3–27. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 10–4 t 0131 558 1200 I scottishgallery t @scottishgallery f scottishgallery k SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY The Mound, Edinburgh EH2 2EL Rembrandt: Britain’s Discovery ofthe Master. Until Oct 14. t 0131 624 6200 l SCOTTISH NATIONAL GALLERY OF MODERN ART 75/73 Belford Road, Edinburgh EH4 3DR Emil Nolde: Colour is Life. Until Oct 21. t 0131 624 6200 m SCOTTISH NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY 1 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JD Victoria Crowe: Beyond Likeness. Until Nov 18. Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Until Jan 13. Transportation photographs from the National Galleries ofScotland. t 0131 624 6200 MAP 5 SCOTLAND EDINBURGH d CHRISTIE’S 5 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh EH3 6DH Mon–Fri 9–5 t 0131 225 4756 e DOUBTFIRE GALLERY 3 South East Circus Place Edinburgh EH3 6TJ Michael G Clark PAI RSW: Amour Amore. Oct 13–Nov 17. *ad A solo exhibition ofpaintings evoking memories oftime spent in both France and Italy – a celebration oflife and love, ofpeople and place. Mon–Fri 10–5, Sat 12–5 t 0131 225 6540 I doubtfiregallery f doubtfiregallery f DOVECOT GALLERY 10 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh EH1 1LT Liberty Art Fabrics & Fashion. Until Jan 12. Dovecot celebrates the innovative retailer and design studio Liberty. Featuring over 100 garments and fabrics spanning 140 years, this exhibition explores how textiles bring art into everyday life. Mon–Sat 10.30–5.30, & Thu to 8 in Aug t 0131 550 3660 I dovecotstudios t @DovecotStudios f DovecotStudios g THE FRUITMARKET GALLERY 45 Market Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DF Emma Hart: Banger. Oct 27–Feb 3. daily 11–6 & Aug 3–27 from 10–7 t 0131 225 2383 I fruitmarketgallery t @fruitmarket f fruitmarketgallery DUNDASSTREET DAVIDSTREET S TV IN CE NTST CH A RLOT T EST G L E NF INL AS S T YOUNG STRE ET GEORGE STREET ROSESTREET PRINCESSTREET Q U E E N ST R E ET H E RIOTR O W G REA T KIN GST C UM B ER LA N DS T Q UEENS F E RRYST L E I T H W A L K B R O U GHTON S T U N IO N S T E. L O ND ON ST LON DON S T FE T TE SR OW N ORTHUMBERLA ND S T Y OR K PL ACE LOND R O Y A L T MA R KET S TREET P L E A S A N C ES T L E ON A R D' C A N D L E M A K E R R O W L O T H I A N R O A D MANOR P LA C E M E LVILLEST W I LL I A M S T S H AN D W I C K P LAC E P L A C E A I N S L I E P L A C E M O R A Y H E N D E RS O N R O W N I C OLS O N S T R E S O U T H B R I D G E C O W G A TE HO L R E G E N T R O A D HIGH ST R EET T H E M O U N D C A S T L E T E R R A C E B R E A D S T R E E T G R A S S M A R K E T RAE B UR N PL A CE C I R C U S R O Y A L S T S T E P H E N S S T A B E R C R O M B Y P L REGENT GARDENS PRINCES ST GARDENS CASTLE P AL M ERS T O N PL B E L F O R D R O A D HA Y M A R KET T ER R AC E D COM E L Y B A NK AVE T H R D D E A N P A TH Q U E E N S F E R R Y R O A D R A V E I S T O N T E R C RE W E R O A D S OUT H L NFI LASST CU M B E UN I O N S T . L O ND O NS T D . S T P L A C E L E L O C O S H S T E R P L C HA R L OT TE S T D A D ST REET R T KING ST Q U E ENS F E S T N O TH M B ERLAND S T YORK PL C G AT E M AN O R C E B R O U G H T O N ST U N G S TR EE T GEO R GE ST R E E T R O S E STREET PRI ES STREET QUE N S EET E R IOT R OW F E TTE S R O W L N O YA M A RKE T S T P L E A S A N CE ST G E O R G E U RI S TO N PL I V B R I D L O T H I A N R O A D M E LVILL E S T W I L I A M S T MO R RIS O N S T S H AN DW ICK PL A E HE N D E R S R O W H O LY W A T E L O O P HIGH STR E ET T H E M U N D J O H N S T O N T E R R A C E B R E A D S T G R A S S M A R K E T RA E BURN P L L E I T H W A L K N I C O L SO N O R T H B R I D G E D UN D A S 1 m l c g b e f h d i a j l k Waverley a &GALLERY 17 Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QG Patricia Cain: Internal Work. Oct 6–31. Exploring the movement between representation and abstraction. PV Oct 6, 2–4. Tue–Fri 10–5, Sat 10–4 t 07711 285545 I andgallery– t @andgallery_ f b ARUSHA GALLERY 13A Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QG Blair McLaughlin: Time Goes Backwards After Death. Oct 9–23. Iona Roberts. Oct 25–Nov 8. Blair McLaughlin’s new paintings focus on religion as performance, in particular Spain’s Semana Santa procession. Iona Roberts documents the passing oftime and Scottish landscapes, through bright, striking colours. Mon–Sat 10–5, Sun 1–5 t 0131 557 1412 I ArushaGallery t @ArushaGallery f arushagallery c BIRCH TREE GALLERY 23A Dundas Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QQ Anna S King and Tony King: Together. Oct 19–Nov 10. Fibre-artist Anna S King and wood- turner Tony King have been together for half a century. They are now co-exhibiting wooden vessels, tapestries, hand-stitched baskets, artist books and other beautiful things. Tue–Fri 11–6, Sat 11–4 t 0131 556 4000 I BirchTreeGalleryEdinburgh f BirchTreeGallery