Galleries - October 2018

a 54 THE GALLERY 54 Shepherd Market, London W1J 7QX b ANNELY JUDA FINE ART 23 Dering Street, London W1S 1AW Alan Charlton: Grey Paintings. Until Nov 3. Exhibition of Alan Charlton, covering nearly 50 years of Charlton’s practice, and presented in tandem with A Arte Invernizzi Gallery, Milan. Frieze Masters London. Oct 4–7. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–5 t 020 7629 7578 I annelyjuda t @Annely–Juda f AnnelyJuda c BEAUX ARTS LONDON 48 Maddox Street, London W1S 1AY Elisabeth Frink. Oct 11–Nov 10. *ad Solo exhibition of British sculptor Elisabeth Frink to coincide with the major thematic exhibition of Frink at the Sainsburys Centre, bringing together the largest and most significant presentation of her work. Mon–Sat 11–6 t 020 7493 1155 I beauxartsgallery d BONHAMS 101 New Bond Street, London W1S 1SR Auctions and viewing held daily . Free verbal valuations. Mon–Fri 8.30–5, Sun (viewing only) 2–5 t 020 7629 6602 e BROWSE & DARBY 19 Cork Street, London W1S 3LP Off the Radar: A Critic’s Choice –selected by William Packer. Until Oct 5. Susan Wilson: Wild London. Oct 10–Nov 2. Mon–Fri 10–5.30 t 020 7734 7984 I browseanddarby t @BrowseandDarby 34 GALLERIES OCTOBER 2018 MAP 20 LONDON MAYFAIR C A R N A B Y S T R E E T S . M O L TON S T B IN N E Y ST DER I N G S T W H I T E H OR S E B O LTON S T H AL F M OO N CL IF F O R D ST BRU T O N PL B O U R D O N S T A V E R Y R O W M A R S H A S T G E O R GE S T C AR LOS P L S A C K K I N GLY ST R EE T B U R L I N G T O N G D N S BRO O K'S M S WEI GH H O U S EST B E R K E L E Y S T R E E T D O V E R S T R E E T A L B E M A R L E S T R E E T D A V I E S S T R E E T D U K E ST R EE T BROOK S T RE E T C H AR LES ST H S T R EET H I L L S T REE T S. A U DLE Y ST C U R Z O N S T R E E T S A V IL E R O W M O U N T S T R E E T B R U T O N S T S Q U A R E B E R K E L E Y M A D D O X S T G T M A R L B O R B G R O S V E N O R S T R E E T QUA R E V E N O R S Q U A R E H A N O V E R C O N D U I T S T R E E T N E W / N E W B O N D S T R E E T C A D I L L Y R E G E N T S T R E E T S T R E E T OL D B O N D S T C O R K S T ST J AM E S' S S T e t r s f c j d l b i q p h k o a n g m Bond Street f ESKENAZI 10 Clifford Street, London W1S 2LJ t 020 7493 5464 g FLOWERS GALLERY 21 Cork Street, London W1S 3LZ Michael Kidner: In Black and White. Until Oct 13. Edward Burtynsky: Human Signature. Oct 17–Nov 24. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7439 7766 I flowersgallery t @flowersgallery h HAMILTONS GALLERY 13 Carlos Place, London W1K 2EU Modern Masters. Until Nov 23. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 7499 9494 I hamiltonsgallery t @HamiltonsGall f Hamiltons Gallery i HANINA FINE ARTS 21 Woodstock Street, London W1C 2AP Post-war School of Paris. Through Oct. Showing Claude Venard, Jacques Germain, John Levée, Jean Deyrolle, Youla Chapoval, André Lanskoy, Jean Le Moal and others. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 7243 8877 j HERRICK GALLERY 93 Piccadilly, London W1J 7NQ Confluence. Oct 15–26. Confluence is a group exhibition of paintings and sculpture by 10 Sheffield based contemporary artists who have been selected from the Making Ways Sheffield Open Forum Programme led by Matt Roberts. daily 11–6.30 t 020 7493 9929 f confluenceart k JEROME ZODO GALLERY 1 Hay Hill, London W1J 6AS Group Show. Through Oct. Jerome Zodo Gallery is proud to announce its Group Show. Mon–Sat 10–6 t 020 7629 8154 l THE MAAS GALLERY 15a Clifford St, London W1S 4JZ Sarah Adams: The Camel Estuary. Oct 3–19. With her characteristic focus on rock formations, Adams explores the estuary landscapes that surround her Padstow home for her seventh solo show at the Maas Gallery. Catalogue available on request. Mon–Fri 10–6, Sat 11–4 t 020 7734 2302 I t @MaasGallery