Galleries - October 2018

46 GALLERIES OCTOBER 2018 ADLER Jankel Ben Uri ANDREWES Eliza Highgate Contemporary * ANDREWS Sybil Osborne Samuel BALMER Derek Catto Gallery BANK Sandra Highgate Contemporary * BARKER Clive Whitford Fine Art * BENDALL Mildred Whitford Fine Art * BERTRAND Alain Catto Gallery BLACKADDER Elizabeth Browse & Darby BLOCH Martin Ben Uri BOMBERG David Ben Uri BRADLEY Martin The Nine British Art CAZIEL Whitford Fine Art * CHADWICK Lynn Osborne Samuel CHEPIK Sergei Catto Gallery CHINNERY George Martyn Gregory CLOUGH Prunella Osborne Samuel COOK Beryl Portal COOKE Edward W. Martyn Gregory DAVIE Alan The Nine British Art DIX Otto Richard Nagy EASTON Arthur Highgate Contemporary * EMSLEY Paul Redfern * EPSTEIN Sir Jacob Ben Uri EUSTACE David Highgate Contemporary * FEILER Paul Osborne Samuel The Nine British Art Redfern * FRANKLIN Jenny Crane Kalman FRENCH Gordon Gallery 19 FROST Terry The Nine British Art GEAR William Whitford Fine Art GEAS Luce Highgate Contemporary * GERTLER Mark Ben Uri GORE Frederick Highgate Contemporary * GOWING Sir Lawrence Highgate Contemporary * GROSZ George Richard Nagy GUAITAMACCHI Bruno Highgate Contemporary * HARRISON Claude Highgate Contemporary * HENRY Sean Osborne Samuel HEPBURN Alan Highgate Contemporary * HICKS Nicola Flowers HOWSON Peter Flowers HUGHES Patrick Flowers HUGHES-STANTON Blair North House INGAMELLS Andrew Highgate Contemporary * JACKSON Kurt Jackson Foundation JACKSON Philip Catto Gallery JONES Nicholas Crane Kalman KINGSLEY John John Davies KIRCHNER Ernst Ludwig Richard Nagy KLIMT Gustav Richard Nagy KRAMER Jacob Ben Uri KUBIN Alfred Richard Nagy LOWNDES Alan Crane Kalman LOWRY LS Crane Kalman McCARTNEY Clive Catto Gallery McWHIRTER Ishbel Highgate Contemporary * MEIDNER Ludwig Ben Uri MENINSKY Bernard Ben Uri MIRO Joan Osborne Samuel MITCHELL Denis The Nine British Art MOORE Henry Osborne Samuel MORTIMER James Catto Gallery MOUNT Paul The Nine British Art MURPHY Sandy John Davies NEWCOMB Mary Crane Kalman * NEWCOMB Tessa Crane Kalman NICHOLSON Ben Crane Kalman NICHOLSON Winifred Crane Kalman PAOLOZZI Eduardo Flowers PICASSO Pablo Richard Nagy PISSARRO Lucien Ben Uri PLUMB John The Nine British Art POWER Cyril Edward Osborne Samuel PRENTICE David John Davies PROCKTOR Patrick Redfern * QUIRKE Michael Highgate Contemporary * RICHARDSON Philip Highgate Contemporary * NATIONAL ARTIST INDEX Galleries listed here usually stock works by those artists under whose name they appear. Where a gallery is in bold and marked with an asterisk* it claims a principal agency in works in one or more media by that artist ROBBINS Richard Highgate Contemporary * ROBINSON Paul Highgate Contemporary * RUSSELL-FLINT Alex Catto Gallery RYDER Sophie Osborne Samuel SCHIELE Egon Richard Nagy SCHIERENBERG Tai-Shan Flowers SELBY William John Davies SOLOMON Joseph Ben Uri SOLOMON Simeon Ben Uri SUTHERLAND Graham Crane Kalman TING Walasse Catto Gallery TOUBEIX Arnold Highgate Contemporary * TUNNARD John The Nine British Art UGLOW Euan Browse & Darby WARREN Bob Highgate Contemporary * WILSON Douglas Highgate Contemporary * WILSON Frank Avray The Nine British Art Whitford Fine Art WOLMARK Alfred Aaron Ben Uri GALLERIES: October 2018– 17,000 copies. Available from listed galleries, sale rooms, major hotels and by subscription: UK £28, Europe £56.40, Elsewhere £69 (UK Art Trade price of £24, please send business card) payments to ‘Galleries’ Mastercard/Visa accepted. Listing & advertising :