Galleries - September 2018

24 GALLERIES SEPTEMBER 2018 a BELGRAVE ST IVES 22 Fore Street, St Ives, Cornwall TR26 1HE The London Group: The St Ives Connection. Sep 8–29. *ad Exhibition ofwork by notable past members ofThe London Group, particularly those with a strong St Ives association (Hepworth, Frost, etc). Current members are also exhibiting at the Penwith Gallery. British Art Fair Saatchi Gallery, London SW3 4RY. Sep 20–23. Mon–Sat 10–5.30 t 01736 794888 I belgravestives t @belgravestives f belgrave.stives.9 b NEW CRAFTSMAN GALLERY ST IVES 24 Fore Street, St Ives, Cornwall TR26 1HE Matthew Lanyon: Faster Than Words – Older Than Thought. Sep 8–Oct 13. *ad The first UK exhibition of work by painter Matthew Lanyon since his death in 2016, alongside exemplary works by potter Janet Leach, and the exhibition Grounding by W A R R E N A Y R L A N E B A C K S T R E E T B U L L A N S L A N E C H . P L . P L M K T W H A R F B A C K R D W E S T B A C K R D E A S T P O R T H M E O R R D F I S H S T B E D F O R D R D H I G H S T T H E T E R R A C E S T R E E T - A N - P O L F O R E S T R E E T P O R T M E O R H I L L B E A C H R O A D T H E S T E N N A C K P O R T H M E O R B E A C H c a e b d MAP 9 CORNWALL ST IVES potter Jack Doherty. Mon–Sat 10–5 t 01736 795652 t @newcraftsman f thenewcraftsmangallery c PENWITH GALLERY Back Road West, St Ives, Cornwall TR26 1NL Members’ Exhibition. Until Nov 3. Sue Davis: Uncertain Spaces. Until Sep 29. The London Group: At St Ives. Sep 8–29. *ad PV for all exhibitions Sep 7, 6–8. All welcome. Robert Jones. Oct 2–Nov 5. October Six. Oct 2–Nov 5. t 01736 795579 I penwithgallery t @PenwithGallery f PenwithGallery d ST IVES SOCIETY OF ARTISTS Norway Square, St Ives, Cornwall TR26 1NA Open March–January. Exhibitions in The Mariners Gallery include Spring, Summer and Autumn Members’ Shows, Two Open Shows and other guest shows. The Crypt Gallery is host to many guest exhibitors and is available to hire at certain times. t 01736 795582 e TATE ST IVES Porthmeor Beach, St Ives, Cornwall TR26 1TG B ridport Open Studios is an increasingly significant annual regional event which has come to encompass West Dorset as well. With some 70 plus artists and various exhibitions this month it has become one of the largest events of its kind in the West Country. Artists are finally being seen as very real contributors to the region's economy – and there really are some seriously good artists, designers and makers to be found here; it draws in thousands of visitors every year, all of course with the added attraction of being able to visit and meet them in their places of work – not to mention doing it in one of the most astoundingly beautiful landscapes in the country. More open studios are on offer this month with Somerset Open Studios which has also become a landmark local event. Plenty of reasons to head West. NU OPEN studios Helen Lloyd-Elliott at Bridport Open Studios Anthony Horth ‘Longboat Stillness’ St Mawes Gallery (see listing on map 8 and editorial feature on page 14)