Galleries - September 2018

SEPTEMBER 2018 GALLERIES 33 OSBORNE SAMUEL Stand 7 Lynn Chadwick, Prunella Clough, John Craxton, Barbara Hepworth, Ivon Hitchens, Henry Moore, Alan Reynolds, William Scott, Graham Sutherland, Keith Vaughan 9 Barbara Hepworth ‘Three Forms (Extra Eye)’ REDFERN GALLERY Stand 8 Paul Feiler, Adrian Heath, William Gear, Keith Vaughan, David Tindle, George Kennethson, Eileen Agar, Margaret Mellis, Francis Davison, Patrick Procktor 10 Paul Feiler ‘Kerris, August’ SYLVESTER FINE ART Stand 49 Anthony Gross, John Piper, Ceri Richards, Rigby Graham, Michael Rothenstein, Francis Davison, Derrick Greaves, Graham Sutherland 11 Anthony Gross ‘ Plain at St Matre' WHITFORD FINE AR T Stand 12 Clive Barker, Anthony Caro, Caziel, Albert Irvin, William Gear, John Plumb, Frank Avray Wilson 12 Albert Irvin ‘Untitled’ (detail) ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE Stand 28 Michael Ayrton, Anthony Caro, Stephen Cox, Dora Gordine, Bryan Kneale, Keith Milow, William Pye, Peter Randall-Page, Leon Underwood, Austin Wright 1 William Pye ‘Hambalt’ BEAUX ARTS Stand 5 Elisabeth Frink, Barbara Hepworth, Lynn Chadwick, Patrick Heron, Peter Lanyon, Terry Frost, John Hoyland, Albert Irvin, Keith Vaughan, David Bomberg 2 Elisabeth Frink ‘DyingKing’ BELGRAVE ST IVES Stand 36 & 38 Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, Sven Berlin, Paul Feiler, Terry Frost, Barbara Hepworth, Patrick Heron, Roger Hilton, Peter Lanyon, Ben Nicholson, John Wells 3 Peter Lanyon ‘Birds and Walls’ BROWSE & DARBY Stand 17 Philip Wilson Steer , Craigie Aitchison, Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, Gwen John, William Nicholson, Victor Pasmore, Matthew Smith 4 Philip Wilson Steer ‘Children on the Beach, Southwold’ FLOWERS GALLERY Stand 4 Ken Currie, Jane Edden, Nancy Fouts, Tom Hammick, Nicola Hicks, Nadav Kander, Tim Lewis, Ishbel Myerscough, Freya Payne, Tai-Shan Schierenberg 5 Ishbel Myerscough ‘Love Letters’ JILL GEORGE GALLERY Stand 37 Gareth Edwards, Mark Firth, Gro Thorsen 6 Gareth Edwards ‘Golden Brown’ LONG & RYLE Stand 25 Sandra Blow, Linda Styles, James Reeve, Joe Tilson, Mary Fedden, Alan Jones, Scottie Wilson, John Hoyland, Terry Frost 7 James Reeve ‘Madonna Butterflies’ MAYOR GALLERY Stand 32 The Ray Hughes collection of Alfred Wallis, also works by Howard Hodgkin, Roger Hilton, Allen Jones 8 Alfred Wallis Est. 1988 Sponsors Media Partner