Galleries - June 2021

R o n a l d R o n a l d s o n ( 1 9 1 9 - 2 0 1 5 ) My father was born in 1919 in Newcastle upon Tyne. He won a scholarship to the Junior Technical school but it was only when he joined the Royal Navy in the 1940s he took up watercolour and oil painting. It was in Cape Town that his first set of paints was purchased. Painting turned out to be his passion but not at the expense of family and work- ing life. He was employed at the West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds for all of his working life which meant his painting was done “after hours or at weekends”. There was never a family holiday where the sketchbook was not present and in use. Indeed some of the family days out would encompass day trips to London and visits to galleries in Cork and Albemarle Street along with the more traditional gal- leries. Always keen to have conversations with the gallery owners, artists and stu- dents met in the Royal Academy, his knowledge became wide and varied often sur- prising the most knowledgeable experts. He was always researching and listening and always willing to help and mentor all from grandchildren to other artists. Whilst working he initially joined the Bury Art Club and became a regular exhibitor in their annual shows and it was here his work began to be admired and respect- ed outside of Bury St Edmunds. Over the years he began to exhibit more fre- quently in and around East Anglia at Gainsborough House, the Phoenix gallery, the Hunter Gallery, Langham fine art and Chappel Galleries. It was only when he retired his work really took off in terms of breadth and diver- sity of subject and technique. Family visits to the home would always mean view- ing new pictures in different styles and subject matters and it was always a treat to be able to see them adorn all the walls of his and all close family homes. Indeed his pictures are now in all family homes from Newcastle to Basle. Equally I know that his pictures are admired by many outside of the family and he certainly had an admiring public. Having spent many hours with my father in galleries, at his own and other exhibitions, I also know he was something of an “artist’s artist” always happy to converse with like minds. I hope his pictures continue to give as much pleasure to everyone as they have to the family. Clive Ronaldson Gated Cottage, 49 x 59cm