ref: 00w [Mar 6-29 2006 THE SCOTTISH GALLERY Stephanie Dees RSW:, Maria Hanson & Chris Knight:, Bob Crooks






Stephanie Dees, RSW

Paintings of Edinburgh

Stephanie Dees is back. Much of her most recent exhibition work has been inspired by travel to Cornwall, Devon and closer to home the harbours of East Lothian. In this new body of work the subject is once again Edinburgh; Old and New Towns, re-examined and reshaped in the artist's eye at all times of day and year; summer's evening glow or a snowflake in the air lends atmosphere to familiar buildings and vistas.


For information or illustrations please contact Ruth Lock at THE SCOTTISH GALLERY

16 Dundas Street Edinburgh EH3 6HZ  tel. 0131 558 1200


Winter, Edinburgh, mixed media on board, 122 x 152.5 cms

Bellevue Evening, mixed media on card, 76 x 81 cms

Through the Trees, mixed media on board, 122 x 152.5 cms

Before the Snow, mixed media on card, 42 x 37 cms

Gallery Administrator
The Scottish Gallery
16 Dundas Street
Edinburgh EH3 6HZ
tel.  0131 558 1200
fax. 0131 558 3900